Monday, January 30, 2012

1010.5017 (Tamás Vicsek et al.)

Collective motion    [PDF]

Tamás Vicsek, Anna Zafeiris

1104.1542 (Yuki Izumida et al.)

Efficiency at maximum power of minimally nonlinear irreversible heat

Yuki Izumida, Koji Okuda

1106.5579 (Vincent Mellor et al.)

Numerical simulations of the Ising model on the Union Jack lattice    [PDF]

Vincent Mellor, Katrina Hibberd

1106.5913 (Petr Jizba et al.)

Renyi's information transfer between financial time series    [PDF]

Petr Jizba, Hagen Kleinert, Mohammad Shefaat

1107.2363 (Leslie M. McDonald et al.)

On the Potts model partition function in an external field    [PDF]

Leslie M. McDonald, Iain Moffatt

1110.0967 (Carlos Perez-Espigares et al.)

An infinite family of Second Law-like inequalities    [PDF]

Carlos Perez-Espigares, Alejandro B. Kolton, Jorge Kurchan

1110.5874 (Songbo Jin et al.)

Ashkin-Teller criticality and pseudo first-order behavior in a
frustrated Ising model on the square lattice

Songbo Jin, Arnab Sen, Anders W. Sandvik

1110.6542 (Travis W. Byington et al.)

Hierarchical freezing in a lattice model    [PDF]

Travis W. Byington, Joshua E. S. Socolar

1111.4917 (Adam B. Hopkins et al.)

Densest binary sphere packings    [PDF]

Adam B. Hopkins, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato

1111.6577 (J. C. Xavier et al.)

Finite-size corrections of the Entanglement Entropy of critical quantum

J. C. Xavier, F. C. Alcaraz

1201.0578 (S. B. Rutkevich)

Partial thermalization in the quantum chain of harmonic oscillators    [PDF]

S. B. Rutkevich

1201.3024 (Chai Hok Eab et al.)

Accelerating and Retarding Anomalous Diffusion    [PDF]

Chai Hok Eab, S. C. Lim

1201.3580 (Reginald D. Smith)

A drift formulation of Gresham's Law    [PDF]

Reginald D. Smith

1201.5278 (F. Becattini)

Covariant statistical mechanics and the stress-energy tensor    [PDF]

F. Becattini

1201.5287 (Vasyl Kharchenko et al.)

Flashing subdiffusive ratchets in viscoelastic media    [PDF]

Vasyl Kharchenko, Igor Goychuk

1201.5306 (David A. Kessler et al.)

A scaling theory for the quasi-deterministic limit    [PDF]

David A. Kessler, Nadav M. Shnerb

1201.5308 (Igor Goychuk)

Is subdiffusional transport slower than normal?    [PDF]

Igor Goychuk

1201.5313 (Yuri Luchko et al.)

Propagation Speed of the Maximum of the Fundamental Solution to the
Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation

Yuri Luchko, Francesco Mainardi, Yuriy Povstenko

1201.5441 (Hiroshi Masuda et al.)

Finite-temperature transition of the distorted kagome-lattice Heisenberg

Hiroshi Masuda, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Hikaru Kawamura

1201.5532 (B. Berche et al.)

Transportation Network Stability: a Case Study of City Traffic    [PDF]

B. Berche, C. von Ferber, T. Holovatch, Yu. Holovatch

1201.5596 (L. E. Aragón et al.)

Seismic cycles, size of the largest events, and the avalanche size
distribution in a model of seismicity

L. E. Aragón, E. A. Jagla, A. Rosso

1201.5613 (Édgar Roldán et al.)

Entropy production and Kullback-Leibler divergence between stationary
trajectories of discrete systems

Édgar Roldán, Juan M. R. Parrondo

1201.5710 (Y. Meurice et al.)

Comparison of Improved Perturbative Methods    [PDF]

Y. Meurice, Haiyuan Zou

1201.5756 (Paolo Dai Pra et al.)

Sampling from a Gibbs measure with pair interaction by means of PCA    [PDF]

Paolo Dai Pra, Benedetto Scoppola, Elisabetta Scoppola

1201.5758 (Luiza Angheluta et al.)

Anisotropic velocity statistics of topological defects under shear flow    [PDF]

Luiza Angheluta, Patricio Jeraldo, Nigel Goldenfeld

1201.5775 (Matthias Sperl et al.)

Single-Particle Dynamics in Dense Granular Fluids under Driving    [PDF]

Matthias Sperl, Wolf Till Kranz, Annette Zippelius

1201.5884 (K. K. Kozlowski et al.)

Surface free energy of the open XXZ spin-1/2 chain    [PDF]

K. K. Kozlowski, B. Pozsgay