Friday, March 29, 2013

1303.6954 (B. Kulchytskyy et al.)

Local Superfluidity at the Nanoscale    [PDF]

B. Kulchytskyy, G. Gervais, A. Del Maestro

1303.7013 (C. M. Chandrashekar et al.)

Quantum percolation and Anderson transition point for transport of a
two-state particle

C. M. Chandrashekar, Th. Busch

1303.7069 (Johannes Hoppenau et al.)

On the work distribution in quasi-static processes    [PDF]

Johannes Hoppenau, Andreas Engel

1303.7097 (Alessandro Attanasi et al.)

Superfluid transport of information in turning flocks of starlings    [PDF]

Alessandro Attanasi, Andrea Cavagna, Lorenzo Del Castello, Irene Giardina, Tomas S. Grigera, Asja Jelić, Stefania Melillo, Leonardo Parisi, Oliver Pohl, Edward Shen, Massimiliano Viale

1303.7105 (Robert van Leeuwen et al.)

Equilibrium and nonequilibrium many-body perturbation theory: a unified
framework based on the Martin-Schwinger hierarchy

Robert van Leeuwen, Gianluca Stefanucci

1303.7113 (Pradipta Kumar Mandal et al.)

Kinetic coarsening in the random field Ising model : a different

Pradipta Kumar Mandal, Suman Sinha

1303.7116 (Johannes Knebel et al.)

Coexistence and Survival in Conservative Lotka-Volterra Networks    [PDF]

Johannes Knebel, Torben Krüger, Markus F. Weber, Erwin Frey

1303.7135 (B. Derrida et al.)

Finite size corrections to the large deviation function of the density
in the one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process

B. Derrida, M. Retaux

1303.7182 (Steven M. Flores et al.)

A solution space for a system of null-state partial differential
equations II

Steven M. Flores, Peter Kleban

1303.7204 (Marco Cristoforetti et al.)

Monte Carlo simulations on the Lefschetz thimble: taming the sign

Marco Cristoforetti, Francesco Di Renzo, Abhishek Mukherjee, Luigi Scorzato