Tuesday, August 7, 2012

1111.3323 (Aleksander L. Owczarek et al.)

Exact solution of a model of a vesicle attached to a wall subject to
mechanical deformation

Aleksander L. Owczarek, Thomas Prellberg

1112.4414 (Sebastian Montes et al.)

Phase diagram and quench dynamics of the Cluster-XY spin chain    [PDF]

Sebastian Montes, Alioscia Hamma

1201.4309 (Jian-Ping Lv et al.)

Novel phase transitions in XY Antiferromagnets on Plane Triangulations    [PDF]

Jian-Ping Lv, Timothy M. Garoni, Youjin Deng

1208.0880 (Shenshen Wang et al.)

Microscopic theory of the glassy dynamics of passive and active network

Shenshen Wang, Peter G. Wolynes

1208.0883 (T. Papakonstantinou et al.)

Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Ising model with Anisotropic
Bond Randomness at the Ferromagnetic-Paramagnetic Transition Line

T. Papakonstantinou, A. Malakis

1208.0888 (Shunda Chen et al.)

Finite-size effect in calculating the auto-correlation function of flux    [PDF]

Shunda Chen, Yong Zhang, Jiao Wang, Hong Zhao

1208.0910 (Michael R. Shirts)

Simple quantitative tests to validate sampling from thermodynamic

Michael R. Shirts

1208.0964 (Ezequiel V. Albano et al.)

Wetting Transition in the Two-Dimensional Blume-Capel Model: A Monte
Carlo study

Ezequiel V. Albano, Kurt Binder

1208.0965 (Juan Muglia et al.)

Dynamical and stationary critical behavior of the Ising ferromagnet in a
thermal gradient

Juan Muglia, Ezequiel V. Albano

1208.0998 (P. A. Andreev)

Classical microscopic derivation of the relativistic hydrodynamics

P. A. Andreev

1208.1000 (P. A. Andreev et al.)

Dispersion properties of transverse waves propagating in the
electrically polarized BEC

P. A. Andreev, L. S. Kuzmenkov

1208.1013 (Benjamin Scheifele et al.)

Heterogeneous Nucleation in the Low Barrier Regime    [PDF]

Benjamin Scheifele, Ivan Saika-Voivod, Richard K. Bowles, Peter H. Poole

1208.1060 (Iwan Jensen)

Comment on `Series expansions from the corner transfer matrix
renormalization group method: the hard-squares model'

Iwan Jensen

1208.1098 (Niladri Sarkar et al.)

Active-to-absorbing state phase transition in the presence of
fluctuating environments: Weak and strong dynamic scaling

Niladri Sarkar, Abhik Basu

1208.1161 (Agnieszka Donabidowicz-Kolkowska et al.)

Spectroscopy of the transition-rate matrix for molecular junctions:
Dynamics in the Franck-Condon regime

Agnieszka Donabidowicz-Kolkowska, Carsten Timm

1208.1202 (G. N. Bochkov et al.)

Fluctuation-dissipation relations: achievements and misunderstandings    [PDF]

G. N. Bochkov, Yu. E. Kuzovlev

1208.1204 (H. V. Ribeiro et al.)

Anomalous Diffusion and Long-range Correlations in the Score Evolution
of the Game of Cricket

H. V. Ribeiro, Satyam Mukherjee, Xiao Han T. Zeng

1208.1221 (V. I. Yukalov et al.)

Statistics of Multiscale Fluctuations in Macromolecular Systems    [PDF]

V. I. Yukalov, E. P. Yukalova