Sunday, May 19, 2013

1305.1697 (Arvind Ayyer et al.)

Directed nonabelian sandpile models on trees    [PDF]

Arvind Ayyer, Anne Schilling, Benjamin Steinberg, Nicolas M. Thiery

1305.3142 (Tomer Markovich et al.)

Surface Tension of Electrolyte Solutions: A Self-consistent Theory    [PDF]

Tomer Markovich, David Andelman, Rudi Podgornik

1305.3182 (David D. Blanco et al.)

Relative Entropy and Holography    [PDF]

David D. Blanco, Horacio Casini, Ling-Yan Hung, Robert C. Myers

1305.3187 (Carlo Lucibello et al.)

Finite size corrections to disordered systems on Erdös-Rényi
random graphs

Carlo Lucibello, Flaviano Morone, Giorgio Parisi, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Tommaso Rizzo

1305.3188 (N. Spagnolo et al.)

Experimental observation of the bosonic birthday paradox    [PDF]

N. Spagnolo, C. Vitelli, L. Sansoni, E. Maiorino, P. Mataloni, F. Sciarrino, D. J. Brod, E. F. Galvao, A. Crespi, R. Ramponi, R. Osellame

1305.3206 (Julien Cividini et al.)

Localization in the wake of a particle crossing a perpendicular flow    [PDF]

Julien Cividini, Cecile Appert-Rolland

1305.3223 (A. del Campo et al.)

More bang for your buck: Towards super-adiabatic quantum engines    [PDF]

A. del Campo, J. Goold, M. Paternostro

1305.3243 (Marco Zamparo et al.)

Scaling symmetry, renormalization, and time series modeling    [PDF]

Marco Zamparo, Fulvio Baldovin, Michele Caraglio, Attilio L. Stella

1305.3291 (Gabriel Wong et al.)

Entanglement Temperature and Entanglement Entropy of Excited States    [PDF]

Gabriel Wong, Israel Klich, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas, Diana Vaman

1305.3353 (Subir K. Das et al.)

Finite-Size Effects in Dynamics: Critical vs Coarsening Phenomena    [PDF]

Subir K. Das, Sutapa Roy, Suman Majumder, Shaista Ahmad

1305.3373 (B. Pozsgay)

Form factor approach to diagonal finite volume matrix elements in
Integrable QFT

B. Pozsgay

1305.3389 (Brice Saint-Michel et al.)

A zero-mode mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking in a turbulent
von Kármán flow

Brice Saint-Michel, François Daviaud, Bérengère Dubrulle

1305.3484 (Sumantra Sarkar et al.)

Origin of Rigidity in Dry Granular Solids    [PDF]

Sumantra Sarkar, Dapeng Bi, Jie Zhang, R. P. Behringer, Bulbul Chakraborty

1305.3503 (Kyohei Takae et al.)

Applying electric field to charged and polar particles between metallic
plates: Extension of the Ewald method

Kyohei Takae, Akira Onuki

1305.3520 (G. Romeo et al.)

Elasticity of compressed microgel suspensions    [PDF]

G. Romeo, M. Pica Ciamarra

1305.3533 (Yu. E. Kuzovlev)

On energy exchange rate and entropy production operators in quantum
fluctuation-dissipation relations

Yu. E. Kuzovlev

1305.3564 (Claudio Bonati et al.)

On the phase diagram of the 4D U(1) model at finite temperature    [PDF]

Claudio Bonati, Massimo D'Elia

1305.3578 (Erol Gelenbe et al.)

Search in Random Media with Lévy Flights    [PDF]

Erol Gelenbe, Omer H. Abdelrahman

1305.3641 (Jan Dereziński et al.)

Excitation spectrum of interacting bosons in the mean-field
infinite-volume limit

Jan Dereziński, Marcin Napiórkowski

1305.3667 (J. Ye et al.)

Nature vs. Nurture: Predictability in Zero-Temperature Ising Dynamics    [PDF]

J. Ye, J. Machta, C. M. Newman, D. L. Stein

1305.3708 (Tim Langen et al.)

Local emergence of thermal correlations in an isolated quantum many-body

Tim Langen, Remi Geiger, Maximilian Kuhnert, Bernhard Rauer, Joerg Schmiedmayer

1305.3720 (C. Parra-Rojas et al.)

Active temperature and velocity correlations produced by a swimmer

C. Parra-Rojas, R. Soto

1305.3732 (F. Arrigoni et al.)

Excitation spectrum in two-dimensional superfluid 4He    [PDF]

F. Arrigoni, E. Vitali, D. E. Galli, L. Reatto

1305.3790 (Soumyajyoti Biswas et al.)

Equivalence of avalanche dynamics in Burridge-Knopoff and
Edwards-Wilkinson models

Soumyajyoti Biswas, Purusattam Ray, Bikas K. Chakrabarti

1305.3792 (Pedro R. S. Gomes et al.)

Competing interactions and the Lifshitz-type Nonlinear Sigma Model    [PDF]

Pedro R. S. Gomes, P. F. Bienzobaz, M. Gomes

1305.3839 (Joseph M. Brader et al.)

Nonequilibrium Ornstein-Zernike relation for Brownian dynamics    [PDF]

Joseph M. Brader, Matthias Schmidt