Thursday, December 6, 2012

1110.5527 (Zhidong Zhang et al.)

Conformal invariance in the three dimensional (3D) Ising model and
quaternionic geometric phase in quaternionic Hilbert space

Zhidong Zhang, Norman H. March

1212.0902 (Arda Halu et al.)

Phase transition of light on complex quantum networks    [PDF]

Arda Halu, Silvano Garnerone, Alessandro Vezzani, Ginestra Bianconi

1212.0931 (Jianfeng Lu et al.)

Infinite swapping replica exchange molecular dynamics leads toa simple
simulation patch using mixture potentials

Jianfeng Lu, Eric Vanden-Eijnden

1212.0936 (Nianbei Li et al.)

Thermal conductivities of one-dimensional anharmonic/nonlinear lattices:
renormalized phonons and effective phonon theory

Nianbei Li, Baowen Li

1212.0946 (Rajeev Singh et al.)

Comment on "Growth Inside a Corner: The Limiting Interface Shape"    [PDF]

Rajeev Singh, R. Rajesh

1212.0959 (B. Marcos)

Collisional relaxation of two-dimensional gravitational systems    [PDF]

B. Marcos

1212.0985 (Anatolii V. Mokshin et al.)

Growth Kinetics of the Homogeneously Nucleated Water Droplets:
Simulation Results

Anatolii V. Mokshin, Bulat N. Galimzyanov

1212.1015 (Jack A. Cohen et al.)

Translocation through environments with time dependent mobility    [PDF]

Jack A. Cohen, Abhishek Chaudhuri, Ramin Golestanian

1212.1024 (Rick Keesman et al.)

Dynamical Eigenmodes of a Polymerized Membrane    [PDF]

Rick Keesman, Gerard T. Barkema, Debabrata Panja

1212.1025 (Michal Hnatič et al.)

Field-theoretic technique for irreversible reaction processes    [PDF]

Michal Hnatič, Juha Honkonen, Tomáš Lučivjanský

1212.1032 (V. S. Poghosyan et al.)

Correlations in the $n\rightarrow 0$ limit of the dense O(n) loop model    [PDF]

V. S. Poghosyan, V. B. Priezzhev

1212.1036 (Steffen Rulands et al.)

Stability of localized wave fronts in bistable systems    [PDF]

Steffen Rulands, Ben Klünder, Erwin Frey

1212.1051 (O. Borisenko et al.)

BKT phase transitions in strongly coupled 3D Z(N) LGT at finite

O. Borisenko, V. Chelnokov, G. Cortese, R. Fiore, M. Gravina, A. Papa, I. Surzhikov

1212.1052 (Kehong Zhang et al.)

Dynamics of polymer translocation into an anisotropic confinement    [PDF]

Kehong Zhang, Kaifu Luo

1212.1055 (Wancheng Yu et al.)

Translocation of stiff polymers through a nanopore driven by binding

Wancheng Yu, Yiding Ma, Kaifu Luo

1212.1077 (Benjamin Doyon)

Nonequilibrium density matrix for thermal transport in quantum field

Benjamin Doyon

1212.1088 (Vladislav Popkov et al.)

Anomalous currents in driven XXZ chain with boundary twisting at weak
coupling or weak driving

Vladislav Popkov, Mario Salerno

1212.1092 (Matteo Colangeli et al.)

Fluctuations in quantum one-dimensional thermostatted systems with
off-diagonal disorder

Matteo Colangeli, Lamberto Rondoni

1212.1114 (Damian Draxler et al.)

Particles, holes and solitons: a matrix product state approach    [PDF]

Damian Draxler, Jutho Haegeman, Tobias J. Osborne, Vid Stojevic, Laurens Vanderstraeten, Frank Verstraete

1212.1119 (Arjun Berera et al.)

Eulerian Field-Theoretic Closure Formalisms for Fluid Turbulence    [PDF]

Arjun Berera, Matthew Salewski, W. D. McComb

1212.1136 (Abdelâali Boudjemaâ et al.)

Two-dimensional dipolar Bose gas with the roton-maxon excitation

Abdelâali Boudjemaâ, G. V. Shlyapnikov