Tuesday, April 23, 2013

1304.5552 (Ümit Ak\incı)

Anisotropic Heisenberg Model in Thin Film Geometry    [PDF]

Ümit Ak\incı

1304.5577 (Takuma Akimoto et al.)

Distributional Ergodicity in Stored-Energy-Driven Lévy Flight    [PDF]

Takuma Akimoto, Tomoshige Miyaguchi

1304.5600 (Armen E. Allahverdyan et al.)

Adaptive machine and its thermodynamic costs    [PDF]

Armen E. Allahverdyan, Q. A. Wang

1304.5622 (Karol Szałowski et al.)

The influence of interplanar coupling on the entropy and specific heat
of the bilayer ferromagnet

Karol Szałowski, Tadeusz Balcerzak

1304.5722 (Ryoji Miyazaki)

Frustration in the vicinity of transition point of the Ising spin

Ryoji Miyazaki

1304.5733 (Igor Sevonkaev et al.)

Growth of Highly Crystalline Nickel Particles by Diffusional Capture of

Igor Sevonkaev, Vladimir Privman, Dan Goia

1304.5764 (P. D. Gujrati)

Some Rigorous Results Relating Nonequilibrium, Equilibrium,
Calorimetrically Measured and Residual Entropies during Cooling

P. D. Gujrati

1304.5771 (Malgorzata J. Krawczyk)

New aspects of symmetry of elementary cellular automata    [PDF]

Malgorzata J. Krawczyk

1304.5834 (B. A. Tay)

Reduced dynamics of two oscillators collectively coupled to a thermal

B. A. Tay

1304.5873 (Matteo Nicoli et al.)

Fragility and robustness of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class    [PDF]

Matteo Nicoli, Rodolfo Cuerno, Mario Castro

1304.5901 (Anastasia Doikou)

Transmission matrices in gl(N) & U_q(gl(N)) quantum spin chains    [PDF]

Anastasia Doikou

1304.5903 (Ganna Berezovska et al.)

Consensus for the Fip35 folding mechanism?    [PDF]

Ganna Berezovska, Diego Prada-Gracia, Francesco Rao

1304.5953 (Marcel Dierl et al.)

One-dimensional transport of interacting particles: Currents, density
profiles, phase diagrams and symmetries

Marcel Dierl, Mario Einax, Philipp Maass

1304.5980 (Franco Ferrari et al.)

Topologically Linked Polymers are Anyon Systems    [PDF]

Franco Ferrari, Jarosław Paturej, Marcin Pi\katek, Yani Zhao

1304.5985 (D. Froemberg et al.)

Random time averaged diffusivities for Lévy walks    [PDF]

D. Froemberg, E. Barkai

1304.6062 (Jesse Raffield et al.)

Phase separation on a hyperbolic lattice    [PDF]

Jesse Raffield, Howard L. Richards, James Molchanoff, Per Arne Rikvold