Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1211.1027 (Helge Neitsch et al.)

Critical exponents of colloid particles in bulk and confinement    [PDF]

Helge Neitsch, Sabine H. L. Klapp

1211.1052 (Walter Selke)

Multicritical points in the three-dimensional XXZ antiferromagnet with
single-ion anisotropy

Walter Selke

1211.1093 (Romain Yvinec et al.)

First passage times in homogeneous nucleation and self-assembly    [PDF]

Romain Yvinec, Maria R. D'Orsogna, Tom Chou

1211.1151 (Denis Boyer et al.)

Optimal fits of diffusion constants from single time data points of
Brownian trajectories

Denis Boyer, David S. Dean, Carlos Mejía-Monasterio, Gleb Oshanin

1211.1181 (Bernd Schalge et al.)

Fluctuation Theorem in an Atmospheric Circulation Model    [PDF]

Bernd Schalge, Richard Blender, Jeroen Wouters, Klaus Fraedrich, Frank Lunkeit

1211.1201 (Peter P. Orth et al.)

Non-perturbative stochastic method for driven quantum impurity systems    [PDF]

Peter P. Orth, Adilet Imambekov, Karyn Le Hur

1211.1269 (René van Roij)

Statistical thermodynamics of supercapacitors and blue engines    [PDF]

René van Roij

1211.1274 (Damien Gredat et al.)

Finite scale singularity in the renormalization group flow of a
reaction-diffusion system

Damien Gredat, Hugues Chaté, Ivan Dornic, Bertrand Delamotte

1211.1278 (Francesco Sylos Labini)

Universal properties of violently relaxed gravitational structures    [PDF]

Francesco Sylos Labini

1211.1281 (Magnus Ekeberg et al.)

Improved contact prediction in proteins: Using pseudolikelihoods to
infer Potts models

Magnus Ekeberg, Cecilia Lövkvist, Yueheng Lan, Martin Weigt, Erik Aurell

1211.1283 (T. Balcerzak et al.)

Study of planar Ising ferromagnet on the triangular lattice with
selective dilution

T. Balcerzak, K. Szałowski, M. Žukovič, M. Borovský, A. Bobák, M. Jaščur

1211.1328 (Matthew Urry et al.)

Random walk kernels and learning curves for Gaussian process regression
on random graphs

Matthew Urry, Peter Sollich

1211.1364 (Jean-Gabriel Young et al.)

Unveiling Hidden Communities Through Cascading Detection on Network

Jean-Gabriel Young, Antoine Allard, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Louis J. Dubé