Thursday, May 10, 2012

1103.2835 (Sha Liu et al.)

Energy Diffusion and Heat Conduction Near Thermal Equlibrium    [PDF]

Sha Liu, Nianbei Li, Jie Ren, Baowen Li

1104.2613 (Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith et al.)

Experimental observations of dynamic critical phenomena in a lipid

Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Benjamin B. Machta, Sarah L. Keller

1109.0891 (Stefano Viaggiu et al.)

Statistical ensembles for money and debt    [PDF]

Stefano Viaggiu, Andrea Lionetto, Leonardo Bargigli, Michele Longo

1205.1806 (Liang He et al.)

Quantum phases of Bose-Bose mixtures on a triangular lattice    [PDF]

Liang He, Yongqiang Li, Ehud Altman, Walter Hofstetter

1205.1813 (Raj Rao Nadakuditi et al.)

Graph spectra and the detectability of community structure in networks    [PDF]

Raj Rao Nadakuditi, M. E. J. Newman

1205.1879 (Cedric Bernardin et al.)

Anomalous fluctuations for a perturbed Hamiltonian system with
exponential interactions

Cedric Bernardin, P. Gonçalves

1205.1902 (Bartolo Luque et al.)

Feigenbaum graphs at the onset of chaos    [PDF]

Bartolo Luque, Lucas Lacasa, Alberto Robledo

1205.1903 (Takahiro Nemoto)

Zon-Cohen singularity and negative inverse temperature in a trapped
particle limit

Takahiro Nemoto

1205.1955 (Philipp Hauke)

Quantum disorder in the spatially completely anisotropic triangular
lattice I: Heisenberg $S=1/2$ antiferromagnet

Philipp Hauke

1205.1958 (Philipp Hauke)

Quantum disorder in the spatially completely anisotropic triangular
lattice II: frustrated hard-core bosons

Philipp Hauke

1205.1983 (Marcia M. Szortyka et al.)

Connection Between Minimum of Solubility and Temperature of Maximum
Density in an Associating Lattice Gas Model

Marcia M. Szortyka, Maurício Girardi, Vera B. Henriques, Marcia C. Barbosa

1205.2058 (Hideo Hasegawa)

Thermodynamical properties of quantum double-well systems    [PDF]

Hideo Hasegawa

1205.2059 (Richard A. Neher et al.)

Emergence of clones in sexual populations    [PDF]

Richard A. Neher, Marija Vucelja, Marc Mézard, Boris I. Shraiman