Thursday, February 23, 2012

1105.0584 (Juergen Engels et al.)

The scaling functions of the free energy density and its derivatives for
the 3d O(4) model

Juergen Engels, Frithjof Karsch

1109.3013 (Jan Keitel et al.)

The zero-dimensional O(N) vector model as a benchmark for perturbation
theory, the large-N expansion and the functional renormalization group

Jan Keitel, Lorenz Bartosch

1202.4764 (Lea F. Santos et al.)

Weak and strong typicality in quantum systems    [PDF]

Lea F. Santos, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Marcos Rigol

1202.4796 (Pratyush Tiwary et al.)

Realistic time-scale fully atomistic simulations of surface nucleation
of dislocations in pristine nanopillars

Pratyush Tiwary, Axel van de Walle

1202.4878 (A. K. Murtazaev et al.)

Dynamic Critical Behavior in Models of Ferromagnetic Gadolinium    [PDF]

A. K. Murtazaev, V. A. Mutailamov

1202.4903 (B. Meyer et al.)

Exact calculations of first-passage quantities on recursive networks    [PDF]

B. Meyer, E. Agliari, O. BĂ©nichou, R. Voituriez

1202.4930 (R. D. Schram et al.)

Critical exponents of the pair contact process with diffusion    [PDF]

R. D. Schram, G. T. Barkema

1202.4939 (Benoit Roux)

Ion Binding Sites and their Representations by Quasichemical Reduced

Benoit Roux

1202.4959 (Vahid Aref et al.)

Lossy Source Coding via Spatially Coupled LDGM Ensembles    [PDF]

Vahid Aref, Nicolas Macris, Rudiger Urbanke, Marc Vuffray

1202.4977 (Peter P. Mitrano et al.)

Assessing a Modified-Sonine Kinetic Theory for Instabilities in Highly
Dissipative, Cooling Granular Gases

Peter P. Mitrano, Vicente GarzĂł, Andrew M. Hilger, Christopher J. Ewasko, Christine M. Hrenya