Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1210.7235 (G. A. P. Ribeiro et al.)

Bethe ansatz for the Temperley-Lieb spin-chain with integrable open

G. A. P. Ribeiro, A. Lima-Santos

1210.7745 (Andrei N. Yakunin)

Self-organising Dissipative Polymer Structures    [PDF]

Andrei N. Yakunin

1210.7284 (Ruoshi Yuan et al.)

Exact Mapping Noisy van der Pol Type Oscillator onto Quasi-symplectic

Ruoshi Yuan, Xinan Wang, Yian Ma, Bo Yuan, Ping Ao

1210.7304 (Silvio Franz et al.)

Static replica approach to critical correlations in glassy systems    [PDF]

Silvio Franz, Hugo Jacquin, Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi

1210.7323 (Tapan Mishra et al.)

Phases and phase transitions of hard-core bosons on a triangular ladder    [PDF]

Tapan Mishra, Ramesh V. Pai, Subroto Mukerjee, Arun Paramekanti

1210.7328 (Ferenc Igloi et al.)

Nonequilibrium quench dynamics in quantum quasicrystals    [PDF]

Ferenc Igloi, Gergo Roosz, Yu-Cheng Lin

1210.7411 (Chiaki Yamaguchi)

Proposal of a Checking Parameter in the Simulated Annealing Method
Applied to the Spin Glass Model

Chiaki Yamaguchi

1210.7433 (Moshe Gitterman et al.)

Mass Dependence of Instabilities of an Oscillator with Multiplicative
and Additive Noise

Moshe Gitterman, David A. Kessler

1210.7486 (Santiago A. Pighin et al.)

Finite temperature phase diagram of ultrathin magnetic films without
external fields

Santiago A. Pighin, Orlando V. Billoni, Sergio A. Cannas

1210.7498 (Kun Zhao et al.)

Percolation on interacting, antagonistic networks    [PDF]

Kun Zhao, Ginestra Bianconi

1210.7545 (Takayuki Narumi et al.)

Memory function on turbulent fluctuations in soft-mode turbulence    [PDF]

Takayuki Narumi, Junichi Yoshitani, Masaru Suzuki, Yoshiki Hidaka, Fahrudin Nugroho, Tomoyuki Nagaya, Shoichi Kai

1210.7607 (Arvind Narayanaswamy et al.)

Entropy density and entropy flux in near-field thermal radiation    [PDF]

Arvind Narayanaswamy, Yi Zheng

1210.7633 (S. Ji et al.)

Equilibration of quantum hard rods in one dimension    [PDF]

S. Ji, C. Ates, J. P. Garrahan, I. Lesanovsky

1210.7647 (Shraddha Sharma et al.)

Study of Loschmidt Echo for two-dimensional Kitaev model    [PDF]

Shraddha Sharma, Atanu Rajak

1210.7753 (O. Bohigas et al.)

Structure of trajectories of complex matrix eigenvalues in the
Hermitian-non-Hermitian transition

O. Bohigas, J. X. De Carvalho, M. P. Pato