Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1106.0195 (Yong S. Chen et al.)

Scaling theory of continuum dislocation dynamics in three dimensions:
Self-organized fractal pattern formation

Yong S. Chen, Woosong Choi, Stefanos Papanikolaou, Matthew Bierbaum, James P. Sethna

1212.5634 (Vincenzo Alba et al.)

Entanglement spectrum of the two dimensional Bose-Hubbard model    [PDF]

Vincenzo Alba, Masudul Haque, Andreas M. Laeuchli

1301.1369 (K. J. Challis et al.)

A Tight-Binding Approach to Overdamped Brownian Motion on a
Multidimensional Tilted Periodic Potential

K. J. Challis, Michael W. Jack

1301.1422 (Takashi Mori)

A short-range interacting system without additivity    [PDF]

Takashi Mori

1301.1439 (Sarada Seetharaman et al.)

Dynamics of adaptation: extreme value domains, distance to fitness
optimum and fitness correlations

Sarada Seetharaman, Kavita Jain

1301.1464 (Milan Žukovič et al.)

Classification of missing values in spatial data using spin models    [PDF]

Milan Žukovič, Dionissios T. Hristopulos

1301.1475 (Andrea Crisanti et al.)

Exactly solvable spin-glass models with ferromagnetic couplings: the
spherical multi-$p$-spin model in a self-induced field

Andrea Crisanti, Luca Leuzzi

1301.1513 (David Andrieux)

Solving bifurcation diagrams using fixed points as control parameters    [PDF]

David Andrieux

1301.1520 (A. S. Yurkov)

On the Simple Approach to Critical Phenomena Description    [PDF]

A. S. Yurkov

1301.1553 (Bruno Leggio et al.)

Fluctuation theorems for non-Markovian quantum processes    [PDF]

Bruno Leggio, Anna Napoli, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Antonino Messina

1301.1571 (Martial Mazars)

Melting in Monolayers : Hexatic and Fluid Phases    [PDF]

Martial Mazars

1301.1586 (M. Žukovič et al.)

Effect of biquadratic exchange on phase transitions of a planar
classical Heisenberg ferromagnet

M. Žukovič, T. Idogaki, K. Takeda

1301.1589 (M. Žukovič et al.)

Chiral universality class behavior of a non-chiral antiferroquadrupole

M. Žukovič, T. Idogaki, K. Takeda

1301.1634 (Edwin Antillon et al.)

Avalanches in the Raise and Peel model in the presence of a wall    [PDF]

Edwin Antillon, Birgit Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Sabre Kais