Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1110.1307 (Hiroshi Matsuoka)

Thermodynamic model for the glass transition: deeply supercooled liquids
as mixtures of solid-like and liquid-like micro-regions

Hiroshi Matsuoka

1210.4233 (Debabrata Sinha et al.)

Annealing of supersolidity in plastically deformed solid $^4$He    [PDF]

Debabrata Sinha, Surajit Sengupta, Chandan Dasgupta, Oriol T. Valls

1210.4278 (Takashi Imamura et al.)

Stationary correlations for the 1D KPZ equation    [PDF]

Takashi Imamura, Tomohiro Sasamoto

1210.4351 (Max Potters et al.)

Sampling microcanonical measures of the 2D Euler equations through
Creutz's algorithm: a phase transition from disorder to order when energy is

Max Potters, Timothee Vaillant, Freddy Bouchet

1210.4380 (Aleksei V. Chechkin et al.)

Normal and Anomalous Fluctuation Relations for Gaussian Stochastic

Aleksei V. Chechkin, Friedrich Lenz, Rainer Klages

1210.4418 (Aljaz Godec et al.)

Finite-time effects and ultraweak ergodicity breaking in superdiffusive

Aljaz Godec, Ralf Metzler

1210.4432 (Tine Curk et al.)

Collective sedimentation of colloids in grafted polymer layers    [PDF]

Tine Curk, Francisco J. Martinez-Veracoechea, Daan Frenkel, Jure Dobnikar

1210.4438 (Gregory Schehr et al.)

Reunion probability of N vicious walkers: typical and large fluctuations
for large N

Gregory Schehr, Satya N. Majumdar, Alain Comtet, Peter J. Forrester

1210.4445 (Benoit Charbonneau et al.)

Geometrical Frustration and Static Correlations in Hard-Sphere Glass

Benoit Charbonneau, Patrick Charbonneau, Gilles Tarjus

1210.4471 (O. Yu. Sliusarenko et al.)

Stationary States in Bistable System Driven by Lévy Noise    [PDF]

O. Yu. Sliusarenko, D. A. Surkov, V. Yu. Gonchar, A. V. Chechkin

1210.4483 (Karina E. Avila et al.)

Fluctuations in the Time Variable and Dynamical Heterogeneity in
Glass-Forming Systems

Karina E. Avila, Horacio E. Castillo, Azita Parsaeian

1210.4486 (Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo et al.)

Entanglement in permutation symmetric states, fractal dimensions, and
geometric quantum mechanics

Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo, Benjamin Doyon