Friday, March 8, 2013

1303.1520 (Dhagash Mehta et al.)

Energy Landscape of the Finite-Size Mean-field 3-Spin Spherical Model    [PDF]

Dhagash Mehta, Daniel A. Stariolo, Michael Kastner

1303.1527 (Haruki Watanabe et al.)

Massive Nambu-Goldstone Bosons    [PDF]

Haruki Watanabe, Tomáš Brauner, Hitoshi Murayama

1303.1586 (Yuting Hu et al.)

Emergent Exclusion Statistics of Fibonacci Anyons in 2D Topological

Yuting Hu, Spencer D. Stirling, Yong-Shi Wu

1303.1605 (Liang Tian et al.)

Phase transitions of the q-state Potts model on multiply-laced
Sierpinski gaskets

Liang Tian, Hui Ma, Wenan Guo, Lei-Han Tang

1303.1625 (R. Perez-Carrasco et al.)

Modeling the mechano-chemistry of the φ29 DNA translocation motor    [PDF]

R. Perez-Carrasco, A. Fiasconaro, F. Falo, J. M. Sancho

1303.1627 (Shankar P. Das et al.)

Newtonian Kinetic Theory and the Ergodic-Nonergodic Transition    [PDF]

Shankar P. Das, Gene F. Mazenko

1303.1631 (Shankar P. Das et al.)

Coarse-grained forms for equations describing the microscopic motion of
particles in a fluid

Shankar P. Das, Akira Yoshimori

1303.1648 (Alexander K. Hartmann et al.)

Sampling fractional Brownian motion in presence of absorption: a Markov
Chain method

Alexander K. Hartmann, Satya M. Majumdar, Alberto Rosso

1303.1753 (V. G. Vaks et al.)

Studies of homogeneous precipitation in very dilute iron-coper alloys
using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations and statistical theory of nucleation

V. G. Vaks, F. Soisson, I. A. Zhuravlev

1303.1767 (Álvaro de Almeida Caparica)

Wang-Landau sampling: a criterion for halting the simulations    [PDF]

Álvaro de Almeida Caparica

1303.1771 (Marcelo D. Grynberg et al.)

Non-universal disordered Glauber dynamics    [PDF]

Marcelo D. Grynberg, Robin B. Stinchcombe

1303.1781 (Michael LeBlanc et al.)

Universal fluctuations and extreme statistics of avalanches near the
depinning transtition

Michael LeBlanc, Luiza Angheluta, Karin Dahmen, Nigel Goldenfeld

1303.1783 (Michael LeBlanc et al.)

Distribution of maximum velocities in avalanches near the depinning

Michael LeBlanc, Luiza Angheluta, Karin Dahmen, Nigel Goldenfeld