Monday, March 26, 2012

1109.0602 (Adrian Hutter et al.)

Almost All Quantum States Have Low Entropy Rates for Any Coupling to the

Adrian Hutter, Stephanie Wehner

1109.1769 (Vladyslav A. Golyk et al.)

Heat radiation from long cylindrical objects    [PDF]

Vladyslav A. Golyk, Matthias Krüger, Mehran Kardar

1112.0528 (Vladimir Y. Chernyak et al.)

Quantization and Fractional Quantization of Currents in Periodically
Driven Stochastic Systems II: Full Counting Statistics

Vladimir Y. Chernyak, John R. Klein, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn

1112.4009 (Makoto Katori)

Survival probability of mutually killing Brownian motions and the
O'Connell process

Makoto Katori

1203.5116 (Gerardo Adesso et al.)

Theory of Gaussian quantum information and correlations using Renyi-2

Gerardo Adesso, Davide Girolami, Alessio Serafini

1203.5118 (Huaisong Yong et al.)

Driven polymer translocation through a cylindrical nanochannel:
Interplay between the channel length and the chain length

Huaisong Yong, Yilin Wang, Shichen Yuan, Bi Xu, Kaifu Luo

1203.5126 (Vikas Kawadia et al.)

Online detection of temporal communities in evolving networks by
estrangement confinement

Vikas Kawadia, Sameet Sreenivasan

1203.5132 (J. B. Elliott et al.)

An experimental measurement of the coexistence curve and critical
temperature, density and pressure of bulk nuclear matter

J. B. Elliott, P. T. Lake, L. G. Moretto, L. Phair

1203.5161 (Márton Pósfai et al.)

Effect of correlations on network controllability    [PDF]

Márton Pósfai, Yang-Yu Liu, Jean-Jacques Slotine, Albert-László Barabási

1203.5215 (Stephan Herminghaus)

Wetting on Random Roughness: the Ubiquity of Wenzel Prewetting    [PDF]

Stephan Herminghaus

1203.5270 (Sebastiano de Franciscis et al.)

Spatiotemporal Bounded Noises, and transitions induced by them in
Ginzburg-Landau model

Sebastiano de Franciscis, Alberto d'Onofrio

1203.5274 (Lukas Bogunovic et al.)

Particle sorting by a structured microfluidic ratchet device with
tunable selectivity: Theory and Experiment

Lukas Bogunovic, Ralf Eichhorn, Jan Regtmeier, Dario Anselmetti, Peter Reimann

1203.5298 (Rémi Lemoy et al.)

Rent distribution in a simple model of housing price formation    [PDF]

Rémi Lemoy, Eric Bertin

1203.5317 (Andreas Andersson et al.)

Scaling, Finite Size Effects, and Crossovers of the Resistivity and
Current-Voltage Characteristics in Two-Dimensional Superconductors

Andreas Andersson, Jack Lidmar