Thursday, June 6, 2013

1306.0934 (Martin L. R. Fürst et al.)

Derivation of a Matrix-valued Boltzmann Equation for the Hubbard Model    [PDF]

Martin L. R. Fürst, Jani Lukkarinen, Peng Mei, Herbert Spohn

1306.0982 (M. Ghasemi Nezhadhaghighi et al.)

Quantum entanglement entropy and classical mutual information in
long-range harmonic oscillators

M. Ghasemi Nezhadhaghighi, M. A. Rajabpour

1306.1081 (Simon Thalabard et al.)

Statistical mechanics of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations in a
Taylor-Couette geometry

Simon Thalabard, Bérengère Dubrulle, Freddy Bouchet

1306.1102 (Filippo Radicchi)

Detectability of communities in networks    [PDF]

Filippo Radicchi

1306.1131 (N. S. Ananikian et al.)

Cyclic Period-3 Window in Antiferromagnetic Potts and Ising Models on
Recursive Lattices

N. S. Ananikian, L. N. Ananikyan, L. A. Chakhmakhchyan

1306.1181 (Vladimir V. Palyulin et al.)

Searching with and against the stream: Levy or Brown?    [PDF]

Vladimir V. Palyulin, Aleksei V. Chechkin, Ralf Metzler

1306.1203 (Pierre-Henri Chavanis)

The Brownian Mean Field model    [PDF]

Pierre-Henri Chavanis

1306.1204 (Daniel G. Barci et al.)

Nematic Phase in two-dimensional frustrated systems with power law
decaying interactions

Daniel G. Barci, Leonardo Ribeiro, Daniel A. Stariolo