Thursday, June 20, 2013

1306.4638 (Hjalmar Peters)

Demonstration and resolution of the Gibbs paradox of the first kind    [PDF]

Hjalmar Peters

1306.4525 (Dine Ousmane Samary)

Separation of spin and charge in the continuum Schrödinger equation    [PDF]

Dine Ousmane Samary

1306.4332 (Ryan Babbush et al.)

Force-Field Functor Theory: Classical Force-Fields which Reproduce
Equilibrium Quantum Distributions

Ryan Babbush, John Parkhill, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

1306.4352 (David Reeb et al.)

(Im-)Proving Landauer's Principle    [PDF]

David Reeb, Michael M. Wolf

1306.4366 (Wojciech De Roeck et al.)

Quantum Diffusion with Drift and the Einstein Relation I    [PDF]

Wojciech De Roeck, Juerg Froehlich, Kevin Schnelli

1306.4367 (Wojciech De Roeck et al.)

Quantum Diffusion with Drift and the Einstein Relation II    [PDF]

Wojciech De Roeck, Juerg Froehlich, Kevin Schnelli

1306.4488 (Eric Falcon et al.)

Equation of state of a granular gas homogeneously driven by particle

Eric Falcon, Jean-Claude Bacri, Claude Laroche

1306.4498 (Tomaz Prosen et al.)

Families of quasi-local conservation laws and quantum spin transport    [PDF]

Tomaz Prosen, Enej Ilievski

1306.4513 (Alexandr Malijevsky et al.)

Density functional study of complete, first-order and critical wedge
filling transitions

Alexandr Malijevsky, Andrew O Parry

1306.4563 (Raphael Chetrite et al.)

Nonequilibrium microcanonical and canonical ensembles and their

Raphael Chetrite, Hugo Touchette

1306.4640 (Amanda Streib et al.)

Stratified Sampling for the Ising Model: A Graph-Theoretic Approach    [PDF]

Amanda Streib, Noah Streib, Isabel Beichl, Francis Sullivan