Friday, August 3, 2012

1207.7308 (R'emy Chicheportiche et al.)

Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: accounting for the tails    [PDF]

R'emy Chicheportiche, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud

1208.0106 (Hongsheng Zhang et al.)

Critical exponents of gravity with quantum perturbations    [PDF]

Hongsheng Zhang, Xin-Zhou Li

1208.0145 (Eleonora Alfinito et al.)

Generalized Gumbel distribution of current fluctuations in purple
membrane monolayers

Eleonora Alfinito, Lino Reggiani

1208.0187 (G. Akemann et al.)

Universal microscopic correlation functions for products of independent
Ginibre matrices

G. Akemann, Z. Burda

1208.0188 (A. Ramezanpour et al.)

The sign problem in the Bethe approximation    [PDF]

A. Ramezanpour, R. Zecchina

1208.0206 (Hiroaki Matsueda et al.)

Tensor Network and Black Hole    [PDF]

Hiroaki Matsueda, Masafumi Ishihara, Yoichiro Hashizume

1208.0217 (Arnab Das et al.)

Switching the Anomalous DC Response of an AC-driven Quantum Many-body

Arnab Das, R. Moessner

1208.0252 (Ignacio G. Tejada)

Stress phase space for static granular matter    [PDF]

Ignacio G. Tejada

1208.0254 (Eduardo G. Altmann et al.)

Leaking Chaotic Systems    [PDF]

Eduardo G. Altmann, Jefferson S. E. Portela, Tamás Tél

1208.0255 (Peter Sheridan Dodds et al.)

Limited Imitation Contagion on Random Networks: Chaos, Universality, and

Peter Sheridan Dodds, Kameron Decker Harris, Christopher M. Danforth

1208.0258 (T. Koide et al.)

Uncertainty Relations in Viscous Dynamics and Quantum Dissipative

T. Koide, T. Kodama

1208.0295 (Hideo Hasegawa)

Classical double-well systems coupled to finite baths    [PDF]

Hideo Hasegawa

1208.0343 (Bela Bauer et al.)

Strong finite-size corrections for lattice fermions at a supersymmetric
multicritical point

Bela Bauer, Liza Huijse, Erez Berg, Matthias Troyer, Kareljan Schoutens

1208.0356 (Peter B. Weichman)

Long-range correlations and coherent structures in magnetohydrodynamic

Peter B. Weichman

1208.0401 (Alethea B. T. Barbaro et al.)

Territorial Developments Based on Graffiti: a Statistical Mechanics

Alethea B. T. Barbaro, Lincoln Chayes, Maria R. D'Orsogna

1208.0421 (Jorge Kurchan et al.)

Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension. I. The
free energy

Jorge Kurchan, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi

1208.0424 (Sanchari Goswami et al.)

Quantum random walk : effect of quenching    [PDF]

Sanchari Goswami, Parongama Sen

1208.0439 (Lucia Galisova)

Magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain with
the four-spin interaction

Lucia Galisova

1208.0468 (B. Wang et al.)

Probabilistic interconnection between interdependent networks promotes
cooperation in the public goods game

B. Wang, X. Chen, L. Wang

1208.0530 (G. J. Baxter et al.)

Fast fixation without fast networks    [PDF]

G. J. Baxter, R. A. Blythe, A. J. McKane

1208.0582 (Maxim Olshanii)

Geometry of quantum observables and thermodynamics of small systems    [PDF]

Maxim Olshanii

1208.0588 (René Pfitzner et al.)

Betweenness Preference: Quantifying Correlations in the Topological
Dynamics of Temporal Networks

René Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Antonios Garas, Claudio J. Tessone, Frank Schweitzer