Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1212.4141 (N. V. Antonov et al.)

Anomalous scaling in statistical models of passively advected vector

N. V. Antonov, N. M. Gulitskiy

1212.4159 (Shankar Iyer et al.)

Many-Body Localization in a Quasiperiodic System    [PDF]

Shankar Iyer, Vadim Oganesyan, Gil Refael, David A. Huse

1212.4223 (Pierre Ronceray et al.)

Freezing Transitions in Liquids Characterized by a Favoured Local

Pierre Ronceray, Peter Harrowell

1212.4241 (Jie Ren et al.)

Braid Group and Topological Phase Transition in Nonequilibrium
Stochastic Dynamics

Jie Ren, N. A. Sinitsyn

1212.4262 (I. A. Silva et al.)

Measuring bipartite quantum correlations of an unknown state    [PDF]

I. A. Silva, D. Girolami, R. Auccaise, R. S. Sarthour, I. S. Oliveira, T. J. Bonagamba, E. R. deAzevedo, D. O. Soares-Pinto, G. Adesso

1212.4290 (J. J. Mazo et al.)

Thermal activation at moderate-to-high and high damping: finite barrier
effects and force spectroscopy

J. J. Mazo, O. Y. Fajardo, D. Zueco

1212.4291 (Silvio Franz et al.)

Quasi-equilibrium in glassy dynamics: a liquid theory approach    [PDF]

Silvio Franz, Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani

1212.4313 (Christina Bjerkén et al.)

Phase ordering kinetics of second-phase formation near an edge

Christina Bjerkén, Ali R. Massih

1212.4354 (Gonzalo Suárez et al.)

Evolution equation for tagged particle density and correlations in
single file diffusion

Gonzalo Suárez, Miguel Hoyuelos, Héctor O. Mártin

1212.4361 (Cecile Monthus et al.)

Dynamical Barriers in the Dyson Hierarchical model via Real Space

Cecile Monthus, Thomas Garel

1212.4390 (Ganna Rozhnova et al.)

Characterizing the dynamics of rubella relative to measles: the role of

Ganna Rozhnova, C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Bryan T. Grenfell

1212.4451 (V. Zaburdaev et al.)

Space-time velocity correlation function for random walks    [PDF]

V. Zaburdaev, S. Denisov, P. Hanggi

1212.4453 (Alexander L. Gaunt et al.)

Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms in a uniform potential    [PDF]

Alexander L. Gaunt, Tobias F. Schmidutz, Igor Gotlibovych, Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic

1212.4480 (Leila Separdar et al.)

Isomorph invariance of Couette shear flows simulated by the SLLOD
equations of motion

Leila Separdar, Nicholas P. Bailey, Thomas B. Schrøder, Saeid Davatolhagh, Jeppe C. Dyre