Thursday, July 26, 2012

1201.1595 (Shane Squires et al.)

Dynamical Instability in Boolean Networks as a Percolation Problem    [PDF]

Shane Squires, Edward Ott, Michelle Girvan

1207.5751 (Anton Peshkov et al.)

Simple and faithful nonlinear field equations for aligning
self-propelled rods

Anton Peshkov, Igor S. Aranson, Eric Bertin, Hugues Chaté, Francesco Ginelli

1207.5810 (Michele Starnini et al.)

Ordering dynamics of the multi-state voter model    [PDF]

Michele Starnini, Andrea Baronchelli, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras

1207.5818 (Pankaj Mehta et al.)

Efficiency bounds for nonequilibrium heat engines    [PDF]

Pankaj Mehta, Anatoli Polkovnikov

1207.5836 (John M. Hopkinson et al.)

Antiferromagnetic Ising model on the sorrel net: a new frustrated
corner-shared triangle lattice

John M. Hopkinson, Jarrett J. Beck

1207.5847 (Babak Fotouhi et al.)

Growing a Network on a Given Substrate    [PDF]

Babak Fotouhi, Michael Rabbat

1207.5849 (Babak Fotouhi et al.)

Migration in a Small World: A Network Approach to Modeling Immigration

Babak Fotouhi, Michael G. Rabbat

1207.5855 (F. Landes et al.)

Tuning spreading and avalanche size exponents in directed percolation
with modified activation probabilities

F. Landes, E. A. Jagla, Alberto Rosso

1207.5921 (G. Bimonte et al.)

Exact results for classical Casimir interactions: Dirichlet and Drude
model in the sphere-sphere and sphere-plane geometry

G. Bimonte, T. Emig

1207.5941 (B. Basu-Mallick et al.)

The exactly solvable spin Sutherland model of B_N type and its related
spin chain

B. Basu-Mallick, F. Finkel, A. Gonzalez-Lopez

1207.5983 (Loren Coquille et al.)

On the discrete Gaussian Free Field with disordered pinning on Z^d,
d\geq 2

Loren Coquille, Piotr Miłoś

1207.5987 (Alexander V. Bobylev et al.)

From particle systems to the Landau equation: a consistency result    [PDF]

Alexander V. Bobylev, Mario Pulvirenti, Chiara Saffirio

1207.6001 (C. -I. Chou et al.)

Generalized Rayleigh and Jacobi processes and exceptional orthogonal

C. -I. Chou, C. -L. Ho

1207.6010 (Stefanos Papanikolaou et al.)

Isostaticity at Frictional Jamming    [PDF]

Stefanos Papanikolaou, Corey S. O'Hern, Mark D. Shattuck

1207.6014 (Martin Horvat et al.)

Railway switch transport model    [PDF]

Martin Horvat, Tomaz Prosen, Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati

1207.6026 (Loreto Oyarte et al.)

Phase Transition in a Out-of-equilibrium Monolayer of Dipolar Vibrated

Loreto Oyarte, Pablo Gutiérrez, Sébastien Aumaître, Nicolás Mujica

1207.6044 (Welles A. M. Morgado et al.)

The role of the nature of the noise in the thermal conductance of
mechanical systems

Welles A. M. Morgado, Silvio M. Duarte Queiros

1207.6070 (Debashish Chowdhury)

Stochastic mechano-chemical kinetics of molecular motors: a
multidisciplinary enterprise from a physicist's perspective

Debashish Chowdhury

1207.6074 (Sergio Caracciolo et al.)

Exact integration of height probabilities in the Abelian Sandpile Model    [PDF]

Sergio Caracciolo, Andrea Sportiello