Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1111.1160 (Ginestra Bianconi)

Supercondutor-Insulator Transition on Annealed Complex Networks    [PDF]

Ginestra Bianconi

1112.6320 (S. Hamed Hassani et al.)

Threshold Saturation in Spatially Coupled Constraint Satisfaction

S. Hamed Hassani, Nicolas Macris, Rudiger Urbanke

1206.2368 (Pawel Jakubczyk)

Quantum interface unbinding transitions    [PDF]

Pawel Jakubczyk

1206.2392 (Adam Lipowski et al.)

Critical behaviour of a tumor growth model - Directed Percolation with a
mean-field flavour

Adam Lipowski, Antonio Luis Ferreira, Jacek Wendykier

1206.2408 (Manas Kulkarni et al.)

Towards equilibration and thermalization between finite quantum systems:
The role of dephasing effects and inelastic interactions

Manas Kulkarni, Kunal L. Tiwari, Dvira Segal

1206.2412 (L. Bertini et al.)

Thermodynamic transformations of nonequilibrium states    [PDF]

L. Bertini, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio, C. Landim

1206.2418 (G. Niccoli)

Form factors and complete spectrum of XXX antiperiodic higher spin
chains by quantum separation of variables

G. Niccoli

1206.2450 (Anindita Shit et al.)

Kramers turnover in class of thermodynamically open systems: Effect of
interplay of nonlinearity and noises

Anindita Shit, Sudip Chattopadhyay, Suman Kumar Banik, Jyotipratim Ray Chaudhuri

1206.2479 (Takahiro Sagawa et al.)

Fluctuation and Additivity Theorems for Information Exchanges    [PDF]

Takahiro Sagawa, Masahito Ueda

1206.2480 (Dario ZappalĂ )

Enhancement of field renormalization in scalar theories via functional
renormalization group

Dario ZappalĂ 

1206.2482 (Silvio Franz et al.)

Quantitative field theory of the glass transition    [PDF]

Silvio Franz, Hugo Jacquin, Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi

1206.2495 (Yaron de Leeuw et al.)

Diffusion in sparse networks: linear to semi-linear crossover    [PDF]

Yaron de Leeuw, Doron Cohen

1206.2505 (Markus Heyl et al.)

Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in the Transverse Field Ising Model    [PDF]

Markus Heyl, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Stefan Kehrein

1206.2550 (Yang-Yu Liu et al.)

Core percolation on complex networks    [PDF]

Yang-Yu Liu, Endre Csóka, Márton Pósfai

1206.2577 (Takaaki Monnai)

Operational typicality of the nonequilibrium states: a thermodynamic
lower bound of the deviation from equilibrium

Takaaki Monnai

1206.2585 (Mauro Sellitto)

Cooperative heterogeneous facilitation approach to arrested dynamics:
multiple glassy states and glass-glass transition

Mauro Sellitto