Tuesday, December 11, 2012

0911.5312 (Mohammad H. Ansari)

A gas of elongated objects; an analytical approach    [PDF]

Mohammad H. Ansari

1201.1232 (David Andrieux)

What does a large deviation look like?    [PDF]

David Andrieux

1212.1673 (Steven J. Court et al.)

Parasites on parasites: coupled fluctuations in stacked contact

Steven J. Court, Richard A. Blythe, Rosalind J. Allen

1212.1807 (David Andrieux)

Nonequilibrium large deviations are determined by equilibrium dynamics    [PDF]

David Andrieux

1212.1823 (Raphael Wittkowski et al.)

Microscopic approach to entropy production    [PDF]

Raphael Wittkowski, Hartmut Löwen, Helmut R. Brand

1212.1715 (Jayajit Das)

Positive feedback produces broad distributions in maximum activation
attained within a narrow time window in stochastic biochemical reactions

Jayajit Das

1212.1843 (Mauro Bologna et al.)

Analytical estimation of the Earth's magnetic field scale    [PDF]

Mauro Bologna, Bernardo Tellini

1212.1942 (Sumedha et al.)

Balanced K-SAT and Biased random K-SAT on trees    [PDF]

Sumedha, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Sharmistha Sahoo

1212.2023 (Xintian Wu et al.)

Shape dependent finite-size effect of critical two-dimensional Ising
model on a triangular lattice

Xintian Wu, Nickolay Izmailian, Wenan Guo

1212.2055 (Sebastian Deffner et al.)

Thermodynamic length for far from equilibrium quantum systems    [PDF]

Sebastian Deffner, Eric Lutz

1212.2060 (Matthias Meschede et al.)

Local disalignment can promote coherent collective motion through rapid
information transfer

Matthias Meschede, Oskar Hallatschek

1212.2095 (Mario Salerno et al.)

Optimal transport and von Neumann entropy in an Heisenberg XXZ chain out
of equilibrium

Mario Salerno, Vladislav Popkov

1212.2117 (Andrei A. Fedorenko et al.)

Functional renormalization-group approach to decaying turbulence    [PDF]

Andrei A. Fedorenko, Pierre Le Doussal, Kay Joerg Wiese

1212.2181 (Nobu C. Shirai et al.)

Multicanonical simulation of the Domb-Joyce model and the Go model: new
enumeration methods for self-avoiding walks

Nobu C. Shirai, Macoto Kikuchi

1212.2189 (Guannan Zhao et al.)

Transition in the Waiting-Time Distribution of Price-Change Events in a
Global Socioeconomic System

Guannan Zhao, Mark McDonald, Dan Fenn, Stacy Williams, Neil F. Johnson