Monday, January 14, 2013

1301.2329 (C. De Grandi et al.)

Microscopic theory of non-adiabatic response in real and imaginary time    [PDF]

C. De Grandi, A. Polkovnikov, A. W. Sandvik

1301.2369 (Yukio Hayashi et al.)

Combinatorial and approximative analyses in spatially random division

Yukio Hayashi, Takayuki Komaki, Yusuke Ide, Takuya Machida, Norio Konno

1301.2377 (Marco Nava)

Two-dimensional and novel quasi-two-dimensional quantum liquids    [PDF]

Marco Nava

1301.2400 (Ike Q Sikakana)

Phase Transitions of Random Binary Magnetic Square Lattice Ising Systems    [PDF]

Ike Q Sikakana

1301.2489 (Justin Whitehouse et al.)

Effect of Partial Absorption on Diffusion with Resetting    [PDF]

Justin Whitehouse, Martin R. Evans, Satya N. Majumdar

1301.2526 (Matthias Schmidt et al.)

Power functional theory for Brownian dynamics    [PDF]

Matthias Schmidt, Joseph M. Brader

1301.2546 (Stephan Werth et al.)

The influence of the liquid slab thickness on the planar vapor-liquid
interfacial tension

Stephan Werth, Sergey Lishchuk, Martin Horsch, Hans Hasse