Monday, November 5, 2012

1211.0291 (Masaharu Isobe et al.)

Generalized Bond Order Parameters to Characterize Transient Crystals    [PDF]

Masaharu Isobe, Berni J. Alder

1211.0293 (D. M. Kennes et al.)

Nonequilibrium dynamics of the ohmic spin-boson model    [PDF]

D. M. Kennes, O. Kashuba, M. Pletyukhov, H. Schoeller, V. Meden

1211.0295 (Damien P. Foster et al.)

Surface critical behaviour of the vertex-interacting self-avoiding walk
on the square lattice

Damien P. Foster, Claire Pinettes

1211.0321 (Alexander Selem et al.)

Entanglement Entropy at Generalized RK Points of Quantum Dimer Models    [PDF]

Alexander Selem, C. M. Herdman, K. Birgitta Whaley

1211.0342 (A. R. Vasconcellos et al.)

Mesoscopic Hydro-Thermodynamics of Phonons    [PDF]

A. R. Vasconcellos, A. R. B. Castro, C. A. B. Silva, R. Luzzi

1211.0434 (Luca Salasnich)

From Narrow to Broad Feshbach Resonances: Condensate Fraction of Cooper
Pairs and Preformed Molecules

Luca Salasnich

1211.0462 (Alan J. McKane et al.)

Stochastic pattern formation and spontaneous polarisation: the linear
noise approximation and beyond

Alan J. McKane, Tommaso Biancalani, Tim Rogers

1211.0473 (N. Isert et al.)

Coarsening dynamics of three dimensional levitated foams: from wet to

N. Isert, G. Maret, C. M. Aegerter

1211.0478 (O. Melchert)

The universality class of the continuous phase transition in the 2D
"Touch and Stop" cluster growth percolation model

O. Melchert

1211.0506 (Kaonan Micadei et al.)

Thermodynamic cost of acquiring information    [PDF]

Kaonan Micadei, Roberto M. Serra, Lucas C. Celeri

1211.0522 (Eugenio Bianchi)

Horizon entanglement entropy and universality of the graviton coupling    [PDF]

Eugenio Bianchi