Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1302.4453 (Philipp Strack et al.)

Quantum fragile matter: mechanical excitations of a Reggeon ion chain    [PDF]

Philipp Strack, Vincenzo Vitelli

1302.4507 (Sandipan Dutta et al.)

Classical Model for Jellium    [PDF]

Sandipan Dutta, James Dufty

1302.4538 (Françoise Cornu et al.)

Thermal Contact I : Symmetries ruled by Exchange Entropy Variations    [PDF]

Françoise Cornu, Michel Bauer

1302.4540 (Françoise Cornu et al.)

Thermal Contact. II. A Solvable Toy Model    [PDF]

Françoise Cornu, Michel Bauer

1302.4564 (Andrey Pototsky et al.)

Rectification of self-propelled particles by symmetric barriers    [PDF]

Andrey Pototsky, Aljoscha M. Hahn, Holger Stark

1302.4585 (J. Javier Brey et al.)

The shearing instability of a dilute granular mixture    [PDF]

J. Javier Brey, M. J. Ruiz-Montero

1302.4630 (G. Aubry et al.)

Vesicularity, bubble formation and noble gas fractionation during MORB

G. Aubry, N. Sator, B. Guillot

1302.4658 (C Godreche et al.)

Asymmetric Langevin dynamics for the ferromagnetic spherical model    [PDF]

C Godreche, J M Luck

1302.4672 (Jorge C. Leitão et al.)

Monte Carlo Sampling in Fractal Landscapes    [PDF]

Jorge C. Leitão, João M. Viana Parente Lopes, Eduardo G. Altmann

1302.4674 (A. V. Plyukhin)

Brownian diode: Molecular motor based on a semi-permeable Brownian
particle with internal potential drop

A. V. Plyukhin

1302.4704 (T. R. Kirkpatrick et al.)

Giant Casimir effect in fluids in non-equilibrium steady states    [PDF]

T. R. Kirkpatrick, J. M. Ortiz de Zárate, J. V. Sengers

1302.4719 (Marcelo R. Ubriaco)

Stability and anyonic behavior of systems with M-statistics    [PDF]

Marcelo R. Ubriaco