Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1010.0594 (Xavier Leoncini et al.)

Offsprings of a point vortex    [PDF]

Xavier Leoncini, Alain Barrat, Christophe Josserand, Simon Villain-Guillot

1106.2134 (V. Nicosia et al.)

Components in time-varying graphs    [PDF]

V. Nicosia, J. Tang, M. Musolesi, G. Russo, C. Mascolo, V. Latora

1107.1979 (Nickolay Sh. Izmailian et al.)

Finite-size corrections for logarithmic representations in critical
dense polymers

Nickolay Sh. Izmailian, Philippe Ruelle, Chin-Kun Hu

1107.3304 (George Thomas et al.)

Expected Behavior of Quantum Thermodynamic Machines with Prior

George Thomas, Ramandeep S. Johal

1111.0425 (Seung Ki Baek et al.)

Critical condition of the water-retention model    [PDF]

Seung Ki Baek, Beom Jun Kim

1111.2992 (Adnan Ali et al.)

Reproduction time statistics and segregation patterns in growing

Adnan Ali, Ellák Somfai, Stefan Grosskinsky

1111.6123 (Zochil González Arenas et al.)

Supersymmetric formulation of multiplicative white--noise stochastic

Zochil González Arenas, Daniel G. Barci

1111.6347 (Hiroshi Shinaoka et al.)

Noncollinear magnetism and spin-orbit coupling in 5d pyrochlore oxide

Hiroshi Shinaoka, Takashi Miyake, Shoji Ishibashi

1112.0131 (Johannes Motruk et al.)

Bose-Hubbard model on two-dimensional line graphs    [PDF]

Johannes Motruk, Andreas Mielke

1112.5329 (M. A. Marchiori et al.)

Energy transfer dynamics and thermalization of two oscillators
interacting via chaos

M. A. Marchiori, Ricardo Fariello, M. A. M. de Aguiar

1112.6389 (Mohamed M. Anber et al.)

2d affine XY-spin model/ 4d gauge theory duality and deconfinement    [PDF]

Mohamed M. Anber, Erich Poppitz, Mithat Unsal

1204.3151 (Piotr Nyczka et al.)

Phase transitions in the q-voter model with two types of stochastic

Piotr Nyczka, Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron, Jerzy Cislo

1204.3243 (Kurt Langfeld et al.)

The density of states in gauge theories    [PDF]

Kurt Langfeld, Biagio Lucini, Antonio Rago

1204.3291 (Enzo Granato)

Zero-temperature transition and correlation-length exponent of the
frustrated XY model on a honeycomb lattice

Enzo Granato

1204.3338 (Nandini Ananth et al.)

Flux-correlation approach to characterizing reaction pathways in quantum
systems: A study of condensed-phase proton-coupled electron transfer

Nandini Ananth, Thomas F. Miller III

1204.3340 (Shenshen Wang et al.)

Tensegrity and Motor-Driven Effective Interactions in a Model

Shenshen Wang, Peter G. Wolynes

1204.3371 (Ettore Vicari)

Quantum dynamics and entanglement of a 1D Fermi gas released from a trap    [PDF]

Ettore Vicari

1204.3398 (Namiko Mitarai et al.)

Emergence of diversity in a model ecosystem    [PDF]

Namiko Mitarai, Joachim Mathiesen, Kim Sneppen

1204.3411 (E. Alfinito et al.)

Gumbel distribution and current fluctuations in critical systems    [PDF]

E. Alfinito, J. F. Millithaler, L. Reggiani

1204.3438 (S. L. Narasimhan et al.)

HP-sequence design for lattice proteins - an exact enumeration study on
diamond as well as square lattice

S. L. Narasimhan, A. K. Rajarajan, L. Vardharaj

1204.3446 (Ladislav Samaj)

Long-range correlations of the surface charge density between electrical
media with flat and spherical interfaces

Ladislav Samaj

1204.3466 (Hanshuang Chen et al.)

Noise-induced vortex reversal of self-propelled particles    [PDF]

Hanshuang Chen, Zhonghuai Hou

1204.3542 (Gustavo Düring et al.)

Phonon gap and localization lengths in floppy materials    [PDF]

Gustavo Düring, Edan Lerner, Matthieu Wyart

1204.3556 (Jordi Camprodon et al.)

Maximum likelihood approach for several stochastic volatility models    [PDF]

Jordi Camprodon, Josep Perelló

1204.3586 (Charles K. C. Lieou et al.)

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics in sheared hard-sphere materials    [PDF]

Charles K. C. Lieou, J. S. Langer