Thursday, November 22, 2012

1110.3035 (R. C. Buceta et al.)

Coarse grained approach for universality classification of discrete

R. C. Buceta, D. Hansmann

1112.3908 (Andre Cardoso Barato et al.)

Impact of meta-order in the Minority Game    [PDF]

Andre Cardoso Barato, Iacopo Mastromatteo, Marco Bardoscia, Matteo Marsili

1211.4925 (Yao Heng Su et al.)

Quantum fidelity for degenerate groundstates in quantum phase

Yao Heng Su, Bing-Quan Hu, Sheng-Hao Li, Sam Young Cho

1211.4985 (V. Garzó et al.)

Transport properties for driven granular fluids in situations close to
steady homogeneous states

V. Garzó, M. G. Chamorro, F. Vega Reyes

1211.5019 (Congping Lin et al.)

A model for motor-mediated bidirectional transport along an antipolar
microtubule bundle

Congping Lin, Peter Ashwin, Gero Steinberg

1211.5081 (P. F. Bienzobaz et al.)

Stochastic Quantization of the Spherical Model and Supersymmetry    [PDF]

P. F. Bienzobaz, Pedro R. S. Gomes, M. Gomes

1211.5097 (Seung-Woo Lee et al.)

Testing genuine multipartite nonlocality in phase space    [PDF]

Seung-Woo Lee, Mauro Paternostro, Jinhyoung Lee, Hyunseok Jeong