Wednesday, June 19, 2013

0912.3912 (Hector J. Garcia et al.)

High-performance Energy Minimization with Applications to Adiabatic
Quantum Computing

Hector J. Garcia, Igor L. Markov

1306.4220 (Robert Englman et al.)

Partial Decoherence and Thermalization through Time-Domain Ergodicity    [PDF]

Robert Englman, Asher Yahalom

1306.4000 (Dmitri V. Fursaev et al.)

Distributional Geometry of Squashed Cones    [PDF]

Dmitri V. Fursaev, Alexander Patrushev, Sergey N. Solodukhin

1306.4067 (X. Yang et al.)

Spiral and never-settling patterns in active suspensions    [PDF]

X. Yang, D. Marenduzzo, M. C. Marchetti

1306.4120 (Marion Brooks-Bartlett et al.)

Monopole Crystallization and Magnetic Moment Fractionalization on a
Pyrochlore Lattice

Marion Brooks-Bartlett, Simon T. Banks, Ludovic D. C. Jaubert, Adam Harman-Clarke, Peter C. W. Holdsworth

1306.4136 (Clara Granell et al.)

On the dynamical interplay between awareness and epidemic spreading in
multiplex networks

Clara Granell, Sergio Gomez, Alex Arenas

1306.4149 (Rodrigo Aldecoa et al.)

Exploring the limits of community detection strategies in complex

Rodrigo Aldecoa, Ignacio MarĂ­n

1306.4167 (Tommaso Biancalani et al.)

The Emergence of Bistability and the Foraging of Ants    [PDF]

Tommaso Biancalani, Louise Dyson, Alan J. McKane

1306.4206 (Jaya Maji et al.)

Strange phases in three stranded DNA-models at low dimensionality    [PDF]

Jaya Maji, Somendra M. Bhattacharjee, Flavio Seno, Antonio Trovato

1306.4261 (Yu. E. Kuzovlev)

Quantum generalized fluctuation-dissipation relations in terms of
time-distributed observations

Yu. E. Kuzovlev

1306.4299 (Stephen Kirkland et al.)

alpha-Kuramoto partitions: graph partitions from the frustrated Kuramoto
model generalise equitable partitions

Stephen Kirkland, Simone Severini

1306.4306 (Hyungwon Kim et al.)

Ballistic spreading of entanglement in a diffusive nonintegrable system    [PDF]

Hyungwon Kim, David A. Huse