Monday, April 22, 2013

1304.5252 (Renato Pakter et al.)

Topology of Collisionless Relaxation    [PDF]

Renato Pakter, Yan Levin

1304.5267 (Anton Souslov et al.)

Organization of strongly interacting directed polymer liquids in the
presence of strong constraints

Anton Souslov, D. Zeb Rocklin, Paul M. Goldbart

1304.5284 (Santosh Kumar et al.)

Distribution of Scattering Matrix Elements in Quantum Chaotic Scattering    [PDF]

Santosh Kumar, André Nock, Hans-Jürgen Sommers, Thomas Guhr, Barbara Dietz, Maksim Miski-Oglu, Achim Richter, Florian Schäfer

1304.5374 (Balázs Pozsgay)

Generalized Gibbs Ensemble for Heisenberg Spin Chains    [PDF]

Balázs Pozsgay

1304.5383 (Matthieu Davy et al.)

Transmission statistics and focusing in single disordered samples    [PDF]

Matthieu Davy, Zhou Shi, Jing Wang, Azriel Z. Genack

1304.5406 (Florian Angeletti et al.)

Statistics of sums of correlated variables described by a matrix product

Florian Angeletti, Eric Bertin, Patrice Abry

1304.5474 (F. C. Bauke et al.)

Hot Brownian Carriers in the Langevin Picture: Application to a simple
model for the Gunn Effect in GaAs

F. C. Bauke, R. E. Lagos

1304.5512 (Andreas Klümper et al.)

Correlation functions of the integrable isotropic spin-1 chain:
algebraic expressions for arbitrary temperature

Andreas Klümper, Dominic Nawrath, Junji Suzuki