Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1211.4602 (Adel Abbout)

Time delay matrix at the spectrum edge and the minimal chaotic cavities    [PDF]

Adel Abbout

1211.4616 (Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes et al.)

Motion-induced synchronization in metapopulations of mobile agents    [PDF]

Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Vincenzo Nicosia, Roberta Sinatra, Vito Latora

1211.4700 (T. Guérin et al.)

Reactive conformations and non-Markovian cyclization kinetics of a Rouse

T. Guérin, O. Bénichou, R. Voituriez

1211.4701 (Somayeh Zeraati et al.)

Entropy Production of Nonequilibrium Steady States with Irreversible

Somayeh Zeraati, Farhad H. Jafarpour, Haye Hinrichsen

1211.4773 (James M. Hickey et al.)

Time-integrated observables as order parameters for dynamical phase
transitions in closed quantum systems

James M. Hickey, Sam Genway, Igor Lesanovsky, Juan P. Garrahan

1211.4800 (Rachele Nerattini et al.)

Exploring the energy landscape of XY models    [PDF]

Rachele Nerattini, Michael Kastner, Dhagash Mehta, Lapo Casetti

1211.4821 (Patrick Charbonneau et al.)

Decorrelation of the static and dynamic length scales in hard-sphere

Patrick Charbonneau, Gilles Tarjus