Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1008.2821 (Makoto Katori et al.)

Complex Brownian Motion Representation of the Dyson Model    [PDF]

Makoto Katori, Hideki Tanemura

1102.2690 (Christian Maes et al.)

Monotonicity of the dynamical activity    [PDF]

Christian Maes, Karel Netocny, Bram Wynants

1110.2931 (Chi Ho Yeung et al.)

Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective    [PDF]

Chi Ho Yeung, David Saad

1210.0018 (Alan Gabel et al.)

Survival of the Weaker    [PDF]

Alan Gabel, Baruch Meerson, S. Redner

1210.0058 (I. F. Herrera-González et al.)

Heat conduction in systems with Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser phase space

I. F. Herrera-González, H. I. Pérez-Aguilar, A. Mendoza-Suárez, E. S Tututi

1210.0133 (Naoto Tsuji et al.)

Nonthermal antiferromagnetic order and nonequilibrium criticality in the
Hubbard model

Naoto Tsuji, Martin Eckstein, Philipp Werner

1210.0134 (Salvatore Torquato et al.)

Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Threshold of Overlapping
Nonspherical Hyperparticles

Salvatore Torquato, Yang Jiao

1210.0245 (Étienne Marcotte et al.)

Nonequilibrium static growing length scales in supercooled liquids on
approaching the glass transition

Étienne Marcotte, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato

1210.0274 (Nicholas R. Beaton)

The critical surface fugacity of self-avoiding walks on a rotated
honeycomb lattice

Nicholas R. Beaton

1210.0331 (István M. Szécsényi et al.)

Spectral expansion for finite temperature two-point functions and

István M. Szécsényi, Gábor Takács

1210.0337 (Jana Cisarova et al.)

Unconventional quantum ordered and disordered states in the highly
frustrated spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on triangles-in-triangles lattices

Jana Cisarova, Jozef Strecka

1210.0344 (C. Strunk)

Thermodynamics and the Quantum Transport of Particles and Entropy    [PDF]

C. Strunk

1210.0364 (N. S. Tonchev et al.)

Some inequalities in the fidelity approach to phase transitions    [PDF]

N. S. Tonchev, J. G. Brankov

1210.0373 (Miguel Hoyuelos)

GENERIC framework for reaction diffusion systems    [PDF]

Miguel Hoyuelos

1210.0388 (Hirofumi Yamada)

Inverse Laplace transform on the lattice spacing    [PDF]

Hirofumi Yamada

1210.0392 (Riccardo Fantoni)

The density of a fluid on a curved surface    [PDF]

Riccardo Fantoni

1210.0414 (B. Çakmak et al.)

Quantum Correlations in a Few-Atom Spin-1 Bose-Hubbard Model    [PDF]

B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, Z. Gedik

1210.0425 (Michel Bauer et al.)

Iterated Stochastic Measurements    [PDF]

Michel Bauer, Denis Bernard, Tristan Benoist

1210.0492 (Cesare Nardini et al.)

Kinetic theory of nonequilibrium stochastic long-range systems: Phase
transition and bistability

Cesare Nardini, Shamik Gupta, Stefano Ruffo, Thierry Dauxois, Freddy Bouchet

1210.0811 (Victor Bapst et al.)

The Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm applied to random optimization problems:
the quantum spin glass perspective

Victor Bapst, Laura Foini, Florent Krzakala, Guilhem Semerjian, Francesco Zamponi

1210.0889 (Michael T Gastner et al.)

The geometry of percolation fronts in two-dimensional lattices with
spatially varying densities

Michael T Gastner, Beata Oborny