Friday, March 9, 2012

1010.3304 (Yuliy Baryshnikov et al.)

Asymptotic Traffic Flow in a Hyperbolic Network: Definition and
Properties of the Core

Yuliy Baryshnikov, Gabriel H. Tucci

1010.3305 (Yuliy Baryshnikov et al.)

Asymptotic Traffic Flow in a Hyperbolic Network: Non-uniform Traffic    [PDF]

Yuliy Baryshnikov, Gabriel H. Tucci

1106.3298 (Henk van Beijeren)

Exact results for anomalous transport in one dimensional Hamiltonian

Henk van Beijeren

1110.6861 (Roberto Bondesan et al.)

Conformal boundary state for the rectangular geometry    [PDF]

Roberto Bondesan, Jerome Dubail, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur

1111.1775 (Philip Greulich et al.)

Mixed population of competing TASEPs with a shared reservoir of

Philip Greulich, Luca Ciandrini, Rosalind J. Allen, M. Carmen Romano

1111.3939 (Oleksandr Kapikranian)

Spin-spin correlation function of the 2D XY model with weak site or bond

Oleksandr Kapikranian

1111.5597 (Marcelo Gleiser et al.)

Entropic Measure for Localized Energy Configurations: Kinks, Bounces,
and Bubbles

Marcelo Gleiser, Nikitas Stamatopoulos

1112.6322 (G. Z. Feher et al.)

Sine-Gordon multi-soliton form factors in finite volume    [PDF]

G. Z. Feher, T. Palmai, G. Takacs

1203.1658 (Gregory Schehr)

Extremes of N vicious walkers for large N: application to the directed
polymer and KPZ interfaces

Gregory Schehr

1203.1735 (Róbert Juhász)

The effect of asymmetric disorder on the diffusion on arbitrary networks    [PDF]

Róbert Juhász

1203.1767 (Tatsuya Uezu et al.)

Solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with
infinite-range Mexican-hat-type interaction

Tatsuya Uezu, Tomoyuki Kimoto, Masato Okada

1203.1786 (L. S. Schulman et al.)

Spectral properties of zero temperature dynamics in a model of a
compacting granular column

L. S. Schulman, J. M. Luck, Anita Mehta

1203.1791 (Eduardo G. Altmann et al.)

Effect of noise in open chaotic billiards    [PDF]

Eduardo G. Altmann, Jorge C. Leitão, João Viana Lopes

1203.1794 (Dorothea Wilms et al.)

Transitions between imperfectly ordered crystalline structures: A phase
switch Monte Carlo study

Dorothea Wilms, Nigel B. Wilding, Kurt Binder

1203.1815 (Pietro Smacchia et al.)

Universal energy distribution of quasi-particles emitted in a local time
dependent quench

Pietro Smacchia, Alessandro Silva

1203.1874 (Gerardo G. Naumis)

A simple solvable energy landscape model that shows a thermodynamic
phase transition and a glass transition

Gerardo G. Naumis