Friday, September 14, 2012

1008.2310 (Sunil Chhita)

Particle Systems arising from an anti-ferromagnetic Ising model    [PDF]

Sunil Chhita

1112.5287 (Yoshihiko Hasegawa et al.)

Fluctuating noise drives Brownian transport    [PDF]

Yoshihiko Hasegawa, Masanori Arita

1209.2775 (Jun Liu)

Least square based method for obtaining one particle spectral functions
from temperature Green functions

Jun Liu

1209.2814 (Atsushi Ikeda et al.)

Dynamic criticality at the jamming transition    [PDF]

Atsushi Ikeda, Ludovic Berthier, Giulio Biroli

1209.2817 (Boris Podobnik et al.)

Preferential Attachment in the Interaction between Dynamically Generated
Interdependent Networks

Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatic, Mark Dickison, H. Eugene Stanley

1209.2841 (Muktish Acharyya)

Random field Ising model swept by propagating magnetic field wave:
Athermal nonequilibrium phase diagram

Muktish Acharyya

1209.2851 (S. Fedotov et al.)

Non-homogeneous random walks and subdiffusive transport of cells    [PDF]

S. Fedotov, A. O. Ivanov, A. Y. Zubarev

1209.2954 (Fabian Kolley et al.)

Quantum quenches with random matrix Hamiltonians and disordered

Fabian Kolley, Oriol Bohigas, Boris V. Fine

1209.2983 (James P. Gleeson)

Binary-state dynamics on complex networks: pair approximation and beyond    [PDF]

James P. Gleeson