Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1111.3140 (Andrea Benassi et al.)

Barkhausen instabilities from labyrinthine magnetic domains    [PDF]

Andrea Benassi, Stefano Zapperi

1111.6869 (Maria Chiara Angelini et al.)

Ensemble renormalization group for disordered systems    [PDF]

Maria Chiara Angelini, Giorgio Parisi, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi

1304.7279 (Ehsan Khatami et al.)

Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in Isolated Quantum Dipolar Bosons After
a Quench

Ehsan Khatami, Guido Pupillo, Mark Srednicki, Marcos Rigol

1304.7298 (Riccardo Fantoni)

Radial distribution function in a diffusion Monte Carlo simulation of a
Fermion fluid between the ideal gas and the Jellium model

Riccardo Fantoni

1304.7303 (Badis Ydri et al.)

Matrix Model Fixed Point of Noncommutative Phi-Four    [PDF]

Badis Ydri, Rachid Ahmim

1304.7306 (Yuichi Yatsuyanagi et al.)

Mechanism of self-organization in double-species point vortex system    [PDF]

Yuichi Yatsuyanagi, Tadatsugu Hatori

1304.7342 (Hiroshi Fujisaki et al.)

Multiscale enhanced path sampling based on the Onsager-Machlup action:
Application to a model polymer

Hiroshi Fujisaki, Motoyuki Shiga, Kei Moritsugu, Akinori Kidera

1304.7352 (Nobu C. Shirai et al.)

How to estimate the number of self-avoiding walks over 10^100? Use
random walks

Nobu C. Shirai, Macoto Kikuchi

1304.7359 (Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho et al.)

Constant conditional entropy and related hypotheses    [PDF]

Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho, Łukasz Dębowski, Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martín

1304.7452 (Tomaz Prosen et al.)

Macroscopic Diffusive Transport in a Microscopically Integrable
Hamiltonian System

Tomaz Prosen, Bojan Zunkovic

1304.7462 (N. Leibovich et al.)

The Lasting Effect of Initial Conditions on Single File Diffusion    [PDF]

N. Leibovich, E. Barkai

1304.7481 (Carlos Hoyos et al.)

Lifshitz Hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Carlos Hoyos, Bom Soo Kim, Yaron Oz

1304.7534 (S. B. Yuste et al.)

Exploration and Trapping of Mortal Random Walkers    [PDF]

S. B. Yuste, E. Abad, Katja Lindenberg

1304.7545 (Greg van Anders et al.)

Entropically Patchy Particles    [PDF]

Greg van Anders, N. Khalid Ahmed, Ross Smith, Michael Engel, Sharon C. Glotzer

1304.7593 (Santi Prestipino)

A maximum-entropy approach to the adiabatic freezing of a supercooled

Santi Prestipino

1304.7599 (Giuseppe Mussardo)

Expectation Values of Local Fields in an Integrable Theory after a
Quantum Quench

Giuseppe Mussardo

1304.7641 (J. F. Fernández et al.)

Numerical results for the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model at low

J. F. Fernández, J. J. Alonso

1304.7725 (Philipp Hauke et al.)

Spread of correlations in long-range interacting systems    [PDF]

Philipp Hauke, Luca Tagliacozzo

1304.7740 (Aycan Özkan)

The Mixed Spin 3 - Spin 3/2 Ferrimagnetic Ising Model on Cellular

Aycan Özkan