Monday, May 7, 2012

1205.1020 (M. L. Wall et al.)

Out of equilibrium dynamics with Matrix Product States    [PDF]

M. L. Wall, Lincoln D. Carr
Theoretical understanding of strongly correlated systems in one spatial dimension (1D) has been greatly advanced by the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm, which is a variational approach using a class of entanglement-restricted states called Matrix Product States (MPSs). However, DRMG suffers from inherent accuracy restrictions when multiple states are involved due to multi-state targeting and also the approximate representation of the Hamiltonian and other operators. By formulating the variational approach of DMRG explicitly for MPSs one can avoid errors inherent in the multi-state targeting approach. Furthermore, by using the Matrix Product Operator (MPO) formalism, one can exactly represent the Hamiltonian and other operators. The MPO approach allows 1D Hamiltonians to be templated using a small set of finite state automaton rules without reference to the particular microscopic degrees of freedom. We present two algorithms which take advantage of these properties: eMPS to find excited states of 1D Hamiltonians and tMPS for the time evolution of a generic time-dependent 1D Hamiltonian. We properly account for time-ordering of the propagator such that the error does not depend on the rate of change of the Hamiltonian. Our algorithms use only the MPO form of the Hamiltonian, and so are applicable to microscopic degrees of freedom of any variety, and do not require Hamiltonian-specialized implementation. We benchmark our algorithms with a case study of the Ising model, where the critical point is located using entanglement measures. We then study the dynamics of this model under a time-dependent quench of the transverse field through the critical point. Finally, we present studies of a dipolar, or long-range Ising model, again using entanglement measures to find the critical point and study the dynamics of a time-dependent quench through the critical point.
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