Monday, May 14, 2012

1205.2433 (A. P. F. Atman et al.)

Is the Percolation Probability on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ with Long Range
Connections Monotone?

A. P. F. Atman, B. N. B. de Lima, M. Schnabel
We present a numerical study for the threshold percolation probability, $p_c$, in the bond percolation model with multiple ranges, in the square lattice. A recent Theorem demonstrated by de Lima {\it et al.} [B. N. B. de Lima, R. P. Sanchis, R. W. C. Silva, STOCHASTIC PROC APPL {\bf 121}, 2043-2048 (2011)] states that the limit value of $p_c$ when the long ranges go to infinity converges to the bond percolation threshold in the hypercubic lattice, $\mathbb{Z}^d$, for some appropriate dimension $d$. We present the first numerical estimations for the percolation threshold considering two-range and three-range versions of the model. Applying a finite size analysis to the simulation data, we sketch the dependence of $p_c$ in function of the range of the largest bond. We shown that, for the two-range model, the percolation threshold is a non decreasing function, as conjectured in the cited work, and converges to the predicted value. However, the results to the three-range case exhibit a surprising non-monotonic behavior for specific combinations of the long range lengths, and the convergence to the predicted value is less evident, raising new questionings on this fascinating problem.
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