Orlando D. Mabelini, Octavio Salmon, J. Ricardo de Sousa
The phase transition of the quantum spin-1/2 frustrated Heisenberg antiferroferromagnet on an anisotropic square lattice is studied by using a variational treatment. The model is described by the Heisenberg Hamiltonian with two antiferromagnetic interactions: nearest-neighbor (NN) with different coupling strengths J_{1} and J_{1'} along x and y directions competing with a next-nearest-neighbor coupling J_{2} (NNN). The ground state phase diagram in the ({\lambda},{\alpha}) space, where {\lambda}=J_{1'}/J_{1} and {\alpha}=J_{2}/J_{1}, is obtained. Depending on the values of {\lambda} and {\alpha}, we obtain three different states: antiferromagnetic (AF), collinear antiferromagnetic (CAF) and quantum paramagnetic (QP). For an intermediate region {\lambda}_{1}<{\lambda}<1 we observe a QP state between the ordered AF and CAF phases, which disappears for {\lambda} above some critical value {\lambda}_{1}. The boundaries between these ordered phases merge at the quantum critical endpoint (QCE). Below this QCE there is again a direct first-order transition between the AF and CAF phases, with a behavior approximately described by the classical line {\alpha}_{c}{\simeq}{\lambda}/2.
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Trabalho muito minucioso que recebeu elogios do próprio M. J. de Oliveira, desenvolvedor do Método Variacional.
ReplyDeleteWorking very thorough which itself received praise from M. J. de Oliveira, the developer Variational Method.