Sunday, June 17, 2012

0302032 (A. G. Godizov et al.)

On the objective origin of phase transitions and metastability in
many-particle systems

A. G. Godizov, A. A. Godizov
The up-to-date state of statistical physics (the major task of which is to link microscopic dynamics to the thermodynamical laws for macroscopic quantities) is unsatisfactory on the strength of a certain conservatism in the approaches to construction of statistical ensembles of quasi-isolated parts of self-closed isolated systems, which are presumed to be composed of structureless particles with some short-range pair interactions. The principal troubles emerging in the equilibrium theory applications to the description of the thermodynamical properties of real condensed media are related to the incapacity of the modern statistical mechanics to reveal the physical origin of phase transitions and metastable states in the systems of finite number of particles. The presence (in real systems) of natural stochastization (for instance, the spontaneous excitations of composite particles under collisions and/or quantum field transitions of matter from one kind to another) enables to consider stochasticity to be an objective property of matter and to construct a self-consistent scheme of mutual incorporation of dynamics and thermodynamics. This is achieved through the introduction of the generalized equilibrium distribution over the microstates of the explored system whose dynamics are determined by the enhanced Hamilton operator containing the dependence on the system macroparameters. Such an approach makes possible to solve the problem of existence of phase transitions and metastable states in real systems of finite number of particles. For illustration of the reasonableness of the proposed approach (and of its practical promiseness in applications to computing the macroscopic characteristics of condensed media), the cell model of crystal melting and metastable supercooled liquid for a water-like medium is presented.
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