Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1206.3570 (Christian Gramsch et al.)

Dynamics and description after relaxation in a quasi-disordered
integrable system after a quench

Christian Gramsch, Marcos Rigol
We study the dynamics and the resulting state after relaxation in a quasi-disordered integrable system after a sudden quench. Specifically, we consider hard-core bosons in an isolated one-dimensional geometry in the presence of a quasi-periodic potential whose strength is abruptly changed to take the system out of equilibrium. We find that the relaxation dynamics of few-body observables towards their long-time average are, to a good approximation, power law. Furthermore, we show that, in the extended phase, one-body observables after relaxation can be described by the generalized Gibbs ensemble, while such a description fails in the localized phase. At the critical point, an extremely slow relaxation dynamics hinders the observation of a stationary state for large system sizes.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.3570

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