Tuesday, July 10, 2012

1207.2052 (O. V. Kliushnychenko et al.)

Induced long-time correlations in a two-component lattice gas    [PDF]

O. V. Kliushnychenko, S. P. Lukyanets
The distinguishability of at least two species of particles in the classical lattice gas with no interactions except hard-core exclusion entails additional interparticle correlations. A nonlinear mixing flow appears and manifests itself most pronounced in the case of significant difference between mobilities of species. It may result in the induced correlations for the slow component mediated by the fast one. In the quasi-one-dimensional case, the long-time correlations are demonstrated to take place in the slow component, that is similar to the hydrodynamic correlations between colloidal particles. In the adiabatic approximation, these correlations may come into play only in the non-equilibrium case with the flow of the fast component present in the system.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.2052

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