Friday, July 27, 2012

1207.6284 (Laurent Boué et al.)

Enhancement of intermittency in superfluid turbulence    [PDF]

Laurent Boué, Victor L'vov, Anna Pomyalov, Itamar Procaccia
We consider the intermittent behavior of superfluid turbulence in $^4$He. Due to the similarity in the nonlinear structure of the two-fluid model of superfluidity and the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations one expects the scaling exponents of the structure functions to be the same as in classical turbulence for temperatures close to the superfluid transition $T_\lambda$ and also for $T\ll T_\lambda$. This is not the case when mutual friction becomes important. Using shell model simulations, we propose that for an intermediate regime of temperatures, such that the density of normal and superfluid components are comparable to each other, there exists a range of scales in which the effective exponents indicate stronger intermittency. We offer a bridge relation between these effective and the classical scaling exponents. Since this effect occurs at accessible temperatures and Reynolds numbers, we propose that experiments should be conducted to further assess the validity and implications of this prediction.
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