Monday, December 3, 2012

1211.7249 (Sudipto Muhuri)

Scale invariant pattern in dynamically extending lattice    [PDF]

Sudipto Muhuri
We study the implications of coupling Langmuir kinetics (LK) process with the dynamics of an extending lattice. The model that we consider couples dynamically extending exclusion process (DEEP) with the process of random attachment and detachment of particles in the bulk of the lattice. We explore a dynamical regime where the boundary processes of lattice extension and particle input compete with the bulk process of particle attachment and detachment. This competition leads to scale invariant density profile of particles when expressed in terms of the relative position in the growing lattice. It also leads to phase coexistence and shocks in the bulk of the lattice. We use a combination of Mean Field (MF) analysis and Monte Carlo simulations to characterize the density profile in growing lattice and construct a MF phase diagram. This study will have possible implications for transport and patterning in growing fungal filament.
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