1302.0373 (Yu. E. Kuzovlev)
Yu. E. Kuzovlev
Dynamical random walk of classical particle in thermodynamically equilibrium fluctuating medium, - Gaussian random potential field, - is considered in the framework of explicit stochastic representation of deterministic interactions. We discuss corresponding formally exact Langevin equations for the particle's trajectory and show that Marcovian kinetic equation approximation to them is inadequate, - even (and especially) in case of spatially-temporally short-correlated field, - since ignores such actual effects of exponential instability of the trajectory (in respect to small perturbations) as scaleless low-frequency diffusivity/mobility fluctuations (and other excess degrees of randomness) reflected by third-, fourth- and higher-order long-range irreducible statistical correlations. We try to catch the latter, - squeezing through typical theoretical narrow bottleneck, - with the help of an exact relationship between the instability and diffusivity statistical characteristics, along with standard analytical d approximations. The result is quasi-static diffusivity fluctuations which generally are comparable with mean value of diffusivity and disappear in the limit of infinitely large medium's correlation length or infinitely small correlation time only, in agreement with the previously suggested theorem on fundamental 1/f noise.
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