Tuesday, March 12, 2013

1303.2141 (Van A. Ngo et al.)

Multiple Quenches, Jarzynski Equality and Diagonal Entropy: A Novel
Approach For Non-equilibrium Dynamics

Van A. Ngo, Stephan Haas
We propose a combination between the theory of diagonal entropy representing far-from-equilibrium ensembles and Jarzynski Equality to explore thermalization effects on thermodynamic quantities such as temperature, entropy, mechanical work and free-energy changes. Applying the theory to a quantum harmonic oscillator, we find that diagonal entropy offers a definition of temperature for closed systems far from equilibrium, and a better sampling of reaction pathways than the conventional von Neumann entropy. We also apply the theory to a many-body system of hard-core boson lattice, and discuss the ideas of how to estimate temperature, entropy and measure work distribution functions. The theory suggests a powerful technique to study non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum systems by means of performing work in a series of quenches.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.2141

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