Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1303.6162 (Mariusz Zaba et al.)

Thermalization of Levy flights: Path-wise picture in 2D    [PDF]

Mariusz Zaba, Piotr Garbaczewski
We analyze two-dimensional (2D) random systems driven by a symmetric L\'{e}vy stable noise which, under the sole influence of external (force) potentials $\Phi (x) $, asymptotically set down at Boltzmann-type thermal equilibria. Such behavior is excluded within standard ramifications of the Langevin approach to L\'{e}vy flights. In the present paper we address the response of L\'{e}vy noise not to an external conservative force field, but directly to its potential $\Phi (x)$. We prescribe a priori the target pdf $\rho_*$ in the Boltzmann form $\sim \exp[- \Phi (x)]$ and next select the L\'evy noise of interest. Given suitable initial data, this allows to infer a reliable path-wise approximation to a true (albeit analytically beyond the reach) solution of the pertinent master equation, with the property $\rho (x,t)\rightarrow \rho_*(x)$ as time $t$ goes to infinity. We create a suitably modified version of the time honored Gillespie's algorithm, originally invented in the chemical kinetics context. A statistical analysis of generated sample trajectories allows us to infer a surrogate pdf dynamics which consistently sets down at a pre-defined target pdf. We pay special attention to the response of the 2D Cauchy noise to an exemplary locally periodic "potential landscape" $\Phi (x), x\in R^2$.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.6162

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