Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1206.2408 (Manas Kulkarni et al.)

Towards equilibration and thermalization between finite quantum systems:
The role of dephasing effects and inelastic interactions

Manas Kulkarni, Kunal L. Tiwari, Dvira Segal
We demonstrate the approach towards a Gibbs-like equilibrium state, with a common temperature and a chemical potential, of two finite metallic grains, prepared with a different number of noninteracting electrons, connected by a weak link that is susceptible to incoherent and inelastic processes. By developing an analytic method and by using an exact numerical approach, the quantum time evolution of the electrons in the metallic grains is followed. In the absence of decoherring and inelastic effects, equilibration is never reached. Introducing dephasing effects on the link only, using a dephasing probe, the two quantum systems equilibrate, but do not evolve towards a Gibbs-like state. In contrast, by mimicking inelastic interactions with a voltage probe, the metal pieces evolve towards a common Gibbs-like equilibrium state, with the probe.
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