Monday, June 18, 2012

1206.3353 (O. Obregón et al.)

Generalized information entropies depending only on the probability

O. Obregón, A. Gil-Villegas
Systems with a long-term stationary state that possess as a spatio-temporally fluctuation quantity $\beta$ can be described by a superposition of several statistics, a "super statistics". We consider first, the Gamma, log-normal and $F$-distributions of $\beta$. It is assumed that they depend only on $p_l$, the probability associated with the microscopic configuration of the system. For each of the three $\beta-$distributions we calculate the Boltzmann factors and show that they coincide for small variance of the fluctuations. For the Gamma distribution it is possible to calculate the entropy in a closed form, depending on $p_l$, and to obtain then an equation relating $p_l$ with $\beta E_l$. We also propose, as other examples, new entropies close related with the Kaniadakis and two possible Sharma-Mittal entropies. The entropies presented in this work do not depend on a constant parameter $q$ but on $p_l$. For the $p_l$-Gamma distribution and its corresponding $B_{p_l}(E)$ Boltzmann factor and the associated entropy, we show the validity of the saddle-point approximation. We also briefly discuss the generalization of one of the four Khinchin axioms to get this proposed entropy.
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