Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1211.5664 (Vipin Kerala Varma et al.)

Renormalization of two-body interactions due to higher-body interactions
of lattice bosons

Vipin Kerala Varma, Hartmut Monien
We calculate thermodynamic properties of soft-core lattice bosons with on-site n-body interactions using up to twelfth and tenth order strong coupling expansion in one and two dimensional cubic lattices at zero temperature. Using linked cluster techniques, we show that it is possible to exactly renormalize the two-body interactions for quasiparticle excitations and ground-state energy by re-summing the three and four body terms in the system, which suggests that all higher-body on-site interactions may be exactly and perturbatively re-summed into the two-body terms. Such a procedure is applicable to a broad range of systems analyzable by linked cluster expansions, ranging from perturbative quantum chromodynamics to spin models. Universality at various three-body interaction strengths for the two dimensional boson Hubbard model is checked numerically.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.5664

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