1301.2918 (Gunnar Pruessner)
Gunnar Pruessner
The following chapter provides an overview of the techniques used to understand Self-Organised Criticality (SOC) by performing computer simulations. Those are of particular significance in SOC, given its very paradigm, the BTW (Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld) sandpile, was introduced on the basis of a process that is conveniently implemented as a computer program. The chapter is divided into three sections: In the first section a number of key concepts are introduced, followed by four brief presentations of SOC models which are most commonly investigated or which have played an important part in the development of the field as a whole. The second section is concerned with the basics of scaling with particular emphasis of its role in numerical models of SOC, introducing a number of basic tools for data analysis such as binning, moment analysis and error estimation. The third section is devoted to numerical methods and algorithms as applied to SOC models, addressing typical computational questions with the particular application of SOC in mind. The present chapter is rather technical, but hands-on at the same time, providing practical advice and even code snippets (in C) wherever possible.
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