Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1302.4453 (Philipp Strack et al.)

Quantum fragile matter: mechanical excitations of a Reggeon ion chain    [PDF]

Philipp Strack, Vincenzo Vitelli
This paper proposes to study quantum fragile materials with small linear elasticity and a strong response to zero-point fluctuations. As a first model, we consider a non-unitary (but PT-symmetric) massive quantum chain with a Reggeon-type cubic nonlinearity. At the critical point, the chain supports neither the ordinary quantum phonons of a Luttinger liquid, nor the supersonic solitons that arise in classical fragile critical points in the absence of fluctuations. Quantum fluctuations, approximately captured within a one-loop renormalization group, give rise to mechanical excitations with a nonlinear dispersion relation and dissipative spectral behavior. Models of similar complexity should be realizable with trapped ions.
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