Thursday, July 25, 2013

1307.6466 (Andreas Dechant et al.)

Connecting active and passive microrheology in living cells    [PDF]

Andreas Dechant, Eric Lutz
We use a model based on the fractional Langevin equation with external noise to describe the anomalous dynamics observed in microrheology experiments in living cells. This model reproduces both the subdiffusive short-time and the superdiffusive long-time behavior. We show that the former reflects the equilibrium properties of the cell, while the latter is due to the nonequilibrium external noise. This allows to infer the transport properties of the system under active measurements from the transient behavior obtained from passive measurements, extending the connection between active and passive microrheology to the nonequilibrium regime. The active and passive results can be linked via a generalized Stokes-Einstein relation based on an effective time-dependent temperature, which can be determined from the transient passive behavior. In order to reproduce experimental data, we further find that the external noise describing the active components of the cell has to be nonstationary. We establish that the latter leads to a time-dependent noise spectral density.
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